Alien Aquarium with Prehistoric Snails, Meatball Sub and A New Friend.

Last night I didn’t make any special intentions except that if I had any autonomous astral projections to make sure and remember them. Lately, I’ve been wanting to visit the prehistoric era again but it wears me out too much. I need all my energy for a trip. That said, I won’t be posting again until after September 15th. I travel light and don’t even take my laptop. I will just have my phone and a tablet. Typing goes slow on those.

Anyway, onto the fun sharing. When I became lucid and aware I was already astral projecting I was already in a smaller alien aquarium. I’ve been to this one before but I’m not sure what planet it’s on. There were many colorful fish of all shapes and sizes. Some were even swimming out of their containers and around in the air. I’ve seen this before; so, it was no surprise. Also, by smaller I mean the place was as large as a large city block or two smaller ones.

I was just looking around. I noticed food outside some of the containers. It just looked like small tan particles. They would sometimes enlarge and morph once placed in the various glass aquariums. Other people were floating about. One container sitting near an aquarium just looked like a small paper cup half filled with water with a large snail inside it. It was a brownish rather ordinary looking snail but it was definitely too big for the cup.

So, I took the cup, wandered around and soon found someone to ask. He seemed human but I can’t be sure as I was more focused on the snail. He had wavy light brown hair but it was floating horizontally. He may have been from a lighter gravity world.

He took the cup, looked closely at the snail and then said, “OH, THIS IS A RARE ONE!” Then he went on and I finally understood it’s from his planet’s prehistoric era. Dinosaur era isn’t really right as his planet didn’t have t-rex’s and such. He finally decided prehistoric was the best word and/or peso-prehistoric. Since I’m not an expert I couldn’t help him translate for me much. I told him prehistoric was close enough for me.

He said they start out tiny but have a fast growth rate. He could understand someone putting in a cup to start out but now it would definitely need to be moved. He guided me over towards a 3-4 foot deep rectangular pool running along the entire side of the right hand wall. I saw one in there that looked a lot like a catfish. Another looked like a large shrimp. He heard me thinking about it and said it’s not a shrimp like I was thinking about.

My mind was mainly on him and the snail anyway. He removed it from the cup and gently stretched it out a little bit. He said it was to check for spots. The picture he showed looked like red spots but the word that came through was worms. Again, I told him close enough. He’s checking for problems before putting it in with other animals and fish.

It was fine. When he was done it curled itself up into a ball. I don’t think it liked being inspected very much. He handed it to me and indicated I should place it in the wall canal/pool. I gently placed it in. He said to keep watching as they can change shapes according to how much room there is.

Sure enough within about a minute to a minute and a half it grew into a gigantic pink snail! It grew to at least two feet tall and wide. It was a little longer than tall but it was pretty tall for a snail! I thanked him for showing me. His astral form was fairly misty like I get but I could make out a kind of goofy good-natured grin.

He had to go do something else while I floated along the length of the wall canal/pool for awhile. I spotted a smaller giant prehistoric snail. It’s shell had creamy colors with some faint pale blue markings. None of the other fish were bothering these snail giants.

I just love these places, especially when the fish decide to leave their habitats and swim in the air. There were many 2-3 inch sized semi-translucent ones with different colors and markings just treating the entire place like one big tank. So much fun! I do wish I had asked for a specific name of the place. At the time I was more concerned about that snail outgrowing the cup.


In another AP just before I woke up I was visiting an apartment building in Portland or Seattle. It’s a place I visit again and again in the astral. Most of the time it seems to be in Portland. The larger version is in Seattle for some reason. Maybe it bi-locates when it shifts vibrations. I can only guess.

Someone was talking about a gathering for tenants and guests but I couldn’t make out what time. I tried asking a few random people floating around but I don’t think they could hear me. One lady thought it might be 11:30pm but she wasn’t sure. I made the intention to go to the community room since that’s where these things are held. Instead of having to find an elevator I simply phased which was nice. That’s always easier than needing an elevator.

A man with short dark hair there heard and saw me just fine. He said it started at 10:45pm and that it was already 10:30pm; so, I should just stay. I went over to look at a large rectangular table which was filled with food. There were some tin foil containers filled with various meats and sausages.

There were various bottles of wine but they were placed in strange diagonal positions. Some had blurry labels. I wasn’t sure if that meant people were reserving them or not and I didn’t feel like wine anyway.

At another part of the table there was a mini fridge with what looked like Subway Subs inside. It was fully stocked. I tried to read the labels but I couldn’t make them out. I chose a Footlong Sub with green markings on the paper hoping it might have some veggies in it.

Can you guess which sub it turned out to be? I unwrapped it ever so slowly as sometimes in the astral when you intend to eat you just absorb the item without even being able to enjoy it. When I finally got the paper off and only intended to take one tiny bite guess what popped out?

A MEATBALL! Yep, it was a meatball sub. There was obviously a meat theme at this particular gathering. I couldn’t taste the meatball; however, I could taste the red tomato sauce! Since I can’t always taste much in the astral that was a delightful surprise. I made the intention to just eat the sauce but the whole thing got absorbed when I made the intention to eat. Haha!

Let’s see… what else can I remember? Everyone in the building was going to watch a movie but I don’t remember what it was called. I woke up before it started.


In another astral projection I remember talking with a man who told me he was in a wheelchair and on various medical devices. He just wanted me to know in case I saw that stuff around him since we were getting to know each other better. He realizes he doesn’t need any of it in the spirit world / astral but he is still very aware of it and it can manifest.

I thanked him for the head up. He was also telling me about either his friend that was going to be in a play or that he wanted me to watch it or watch it with him. The rest is pretty vague but I remember her name is Aida.

That is all I recall from last night. I will post more after September 15th. I don’t always remember my APs much when I’m traveling as I get severely jet lagged, keep busy on trips and am in general exhausted.


I do hope to have at least a few short APs I can remember as I will be able to visit a really cool temple. I will make an intention to make contact with some of the astral beings in the area. I’ll take some amazing notes the old-fashioned way with paper and pen. :-)


Jet Lag, Astral Projection and Red Tara Practice


5 Astral Projections AND My Personal Memory Tricks/Tips.