5 Astral Projections AND My Personal Memory Tricks/Tips.

This is a long sharing…

Time Travel to The Moon!

My Astral Double gets Sleep Paralysis.

The Futuristic Mall.

Mr. Sticky Fingers and Astronaut Marshal’s Words!

The ET Discount Grocery Store Where They HELP YOU CHOOSE Your Groceries!

My Personal Memory Tricks/TIPS.

Alright, Let’s get started…

The weather is still warm and humid here where I live. This means I have much more difficulty recalling my astral projections due to not sleeping well. I knew my subtle energy levels felt low but I decided to give astral projecting a try anyway last night. I spontaneously astral project fairly often anyway; however, I like to keep in practice triggering them on purpose.

As I drifted off to sleep I did a few “Om Mani Padme Hung” mantras and made various intentions. My main intention was to visit a distant planet I’ve been to before. I felt like that would be a no right away but I filed it in the back of my mind. I backed that up with just going to higher dimensions than I have been lately. I considered the prehistoric era but I wake up too tired from those trips and I’ve already been running on tired.

Eventually I heard some hypnagogic sounds. One of them was a man saying something in an echoing resounding voice. It sounded like it was coming from a cave. I’m not sure why but that made me think of Mars and the Moon. I made the intention to go to Mars or the Moon and I made the PINK SUNGLASSES intention as an additional “ident.” I just phased into space this time. I made the additional intention to “go to the future at Mars or the Moon.”

My astral body went right for the moon. Everything was a blur during the time travel part. I became lucid and had manifested just over the moon. There were many space ships around and some glistening pointy buildings beneath. I telepathed around asking if there was a city there now. The answer back was a no but there was a busy conference.

When I did a 360 to look at myself I noticed the rims of my sunglasses ident weren’t pink but white with moon decorations. The lenses were still pink. The rest of me was flowing and glowing pale white. My sunglasses lenses were a bright neon pink.

The minds around me in the ships felt very busy. Instead of asking more questions I drifted down towards the glistening pointy structures to investigate them more; however, I woke up in a sweat.

Oh well. Try and Try Again! I figured I was off to a decent start considering how low energy I felt and how I was trying so early in the evening to begin with. That was around 11pm. I woke up around Midnight. I drifted off to sleep again after drinking some ice water to help cool down.

My Astral Double gets Sleep Paralysis.

Everything was very dim but I was somehow sleeping on an L shaped couch in the dark. I don’t have an L shaped couch. I made the intention to rise up and for clarity now but I was paralyzed. I had fear coursing through me but I knew to ignore that and that it wasn’t real. Sleep paralysis is often accompanied by instantaneous fear. It’s best to not focus on it if that happens. I don’t usually experience that anymore; so, I was curious why I was then. Perhaps it was just that I was practicing while being extra fatigued?

I felt a tugging at my blanket. Then another tugging. Usually that’s a sign I should relax and melt out my feet. That didn’t work. I decided to pan around with 360 just to insure there were no astral intruders. Sure enough there were no intruders. I did see something interesting though. I had already astral projected to this place and my astral body was trying to separate yet again into a new astral body while leaving the previous one parked there.

It clearly wasn’t going well and was only partway out. I could only see it as a shadow but I have experienced this before. Usually my astral body parks and separates again when I’m going up into higher dimensions. When I’m coming back home I come back into each parked astral body as well like a layered onion effect. Robert Bruce talks about this in one of his books.

While I was wondering if I should ask for help or just wake myself up to try again I heard three voices answer, “I am here,” from a great distance. That meant my guides had heard me. I realize from previous experiences that when they answer like that they are usually asking me back if I really NEED the help or if I want to figure it out for myself. I guess they don’t want to make a wasted trip just to wake me up when I could easily wake myself up. I refrained from asking for help and just woke myself up. It was around 1:30am.

Oh well. I had tried to get into a higher vibrational dimension. I told my subconscious, “Good Effort.” As I fell back asleep I only made the intention to “go to the future” if I had any astral projections and to be sure to remember them. Anything else like an autonomous projection I considered to be a bonus considering how fatigued I was.

I had already made it to the moon even though it was brief  and my astral body had actually done fantastic putting in the effort to get me vibrating at a higher level. It was fun to try but I knew I also needed some actual sleep. Exhausting oneself is never the answer.

The Futuristic Mall

Soon it felt like I was snoozing away for at least a few hours. A bright light filled in around me. Right away I recognized one of the many astral malls I tend to regularly visit! I was so excited because it was a futuristic one meaning I’d succeeded in making it to the future again. This mall had a glistening round blue pool in the center of it. It glistened bright white with some golden rays here and there.

Some people were gathered around sunning themselves in chairs made from some type of fabric. I couldn’t make them out any better than that. Many were holding super thin metallic devices. My best guess is that phones etc… get even thinner in the future.

I knew there was an outdoor area diagonally and to the left but I never made it that far. Instead I woke up again. It was about 3:40am. Oh well, at least I made it to the future again and this time without much effort.

Mr. Sticky Fingers and Astronaut Marshal’s Words!

Those wanting to read about my astral experience with Astronaut Marshal can do so here:


The feeling of just arriving  to this new area engulfed me. I remembered to remember I had been traveling with one brown haired woman who had shapeshifter herself into her teenage version with freckles. She was so cute! No wonder she wanted to remember her teen years.

There was also another woman. I think she may have been black with curly black hair and an incredible smile. Unfortunately, that memory is more distant. Her astral manifestation looked like she was in her late 20’s to early 30’s but I now also have the feeling she was/is in her early 40’s and still alive.

I felt we were a trio having adventures. The curly haired lady  gave me a quick look with a flash and a smile. Then she disappeared. I’m pretty sure she woke up. I’m not sure if I lost track of the other one of if she told me she was going off to do something else. I kind of remember seeing her fading off in the distance which makes me think she had an appointment to meet someone else.

No matter. Whatever we all had done must have been pretty fun because they left me in an excellent mood. The movie Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventures comes to mind. That’s the kind of fun we had. We had some good times for sure!

I scanned around. The immediate area looked like a fairgrounds but without the rides. There were various booths, shops and cafes all set up in a large grassy area. The lighting looked like it was barely dawn as it was still a bit dim. I wandered aimlessly for awhile and zoned out a bit while still being sure to remain lucid enough to stay in the area.

A man with short sandy, wavy hair began chatting with me about something. I had to get more clarity and lucidity before I could make out anything he said telepathically. He was a larger fellow dressed in a plaid shirt. His tanned face looked a bit strained and sweaty. He had been trying to get me to become more lucid for at least 5 minutes. In astral time that makes him a very patient man!

Finally I was able to get my bearings again and asked him what he wanted. Once I was quite lucid he said he wanted to “show” me something. Often astral beings want to “show” others how they died, what they did or how they got there. Before I could politely decline he showed me his hands. They had what looked like runny glue running off of them.

I did my best to be compassionate and asked him if someone had hurt his hands. Fortunately, he said no. He used to be a… I’m not sure if he telepathed carpenter/craftsman/artist. Anyway, he often worked with his hands and with STICKY materials like glue. I asked if he’d been a sculptor and showed him a picture of a stone statue but he also said no to that.

He wanted to show me more and he guided us towards the back left of the fairgrounds where there were campers. He invited me inside his but I declined. I told him I was too tired to be shown more especially if it was emotional. Astral Astronaut Marshal’s words came back to me about remaining 100% Positive!

(At that point I gave myself a memory link about Remembering to Remember to Remain 100% Positive. Usually I’d say Be instead of Remain. Remembering works best if you make small changes to keep it interesting. Thanks Marshal!)

The man continued to invite me while at the same time staying at least a foot apart from me. I thought that was very polite of him but I still declined while again reinforcing my fatigue level.  Some beings have such a deep need to share I felt bad for turning him down. At least he had already “shared” about being a Craftsman. From his demeanor and patience I’m guessing he was an excellent one.

I politely told him I was going to a higher dimension or I was going to wake up during the effort. In a last ditch attempt to convince me to stay he offered to take me to a nearby cafe where he would sit at one end of it and I could be at the other end. That way he figured I wouldn’t worry about him “showing” me more. At that point he just wanted some company.

Well, that MELTED my heart! How could I say no to that; so, that’s what we did. He sat on one end at a small square wooden table and I was at the other end about 6 or 7 feet away at another square wooden table. He smiled and gazed at me for awhile but it somehow wasn’t weird at all. He really was content for just a bit of company.

Sometimes his eyes glinted with a quick yellow flash. I’d flash him back what I intended to be a bluish white flash. I don’t know if he saw it. He did hold up his hands a few times while not making any move from his table. I think it was just to remind me how he’s a craftsman; so, I wouldn’t forget about him when I woke up. It worked. I didn’t forget him! Now, he’s made it into my astral blog. I’m calling him, Mr. Sticky Fingers, and he’s really a very nice fellow. If I see him again I hope I can be in a good enough place to hear the rest of his story.

I don’t remember waking up after that; so, I must have zoned out and actually just slept for awhile longer. The next thing I remember was becoming lucid in a Discount Grocery.

The ET Discount Grocery Store Where They HELP YOU CHOOSE Your Groceries!

I’ve been around the astral and been in many shops and stores. I think this may be the first grocery store where my groceries were at least partially CHOSEN FOR ME. It’s why I even remember it.

I remember looking around feeling a bit lost. It was a gigantic warehouse sized grocery store; however, many of the isles were empty. There was a lot of bright white light filling in empty spaces. I don’t remember asking for help but a thin wispy lady with the palest of skin and long waist length straight hair came over to HELP ME anyway.

When I tried to explain how I didn’t need help she explained back about how it’s ACTUALLY HOW that entire place actually works. The word ACTUALLY was ACTUALLY used many times. She may have been trying to get me even more lucid with it. I thought that was kind of “novel and/or weird” but I decided to go with the flow and agreed to shop “her way.”

She had me wait while she went to get something. She came back with a very large plastic box with air holes in it. Within it were various deep squares where different categories of items could go. I was like… “ok, I think I understand.” What I wanted would depend on the category!

At that point I wasn’t sure she was human as I’ve encountered this type of categorical telepathy while astral projecting on other planets. Fortunately, I’ve gotten used to it over time. I wondered how far I’d gotten in the universe but she pointed at the large crate which did help re-focus me.

She asked which kinds of food I liked and/or preferred. Since it was somehow already clear it was a Discount Grocery I didn’t want to ask for anything too fancy. I answered, “Fruits and Vegetables.” I thought sticking to the basics during categorical telepathy would be best and I do actually like “fruits and vegetables.”

A few moments later some nice dark green stalks of Asparagus appeared in the upper left square of the crate along with some very regular looking Chives. She asked me if that’s what I had in mind and I replied, “Yes.” I tried to add on how I especially love thin asparagus just like she’d manifested but I’m not sure if she understood. I sent happy feelings which she understood as a YES. That much was clear.

When she guided me to the register another lady was there that I couldn’t make out very well. She was larger and a bit aquatic looking which only made me all the more curious about where I was. Before I could ask the cashier telepathed that it wouldn’t cost much but that I could donate anytime (meaning another time when I had a surplus of energy.)

She could tell I was too tired to “donate” but I’d still be required to pay the basic discount fee. I agreed. I saw the number 13 on the register. I made the intention to pay. But I wasn’t sure if I had. I panned around 360 degrees trying to get a better view. I saw what looked like two of my astral credit cards jammed into their machine. (This means I had accrued energy credits with others in the area.)

I was given the OK that they worked and was given a gentle push out their wall. I thought there was a door but I think they just pushed me through the wall. I think they were aquatic and the idea of a door was kind of over the top for them due to fluidic thinking. I’m not sure anymore. Anyway, I appeared outdoors in an empty grassy field on a gentle hill.  I saw an empty stadium in the distance.

In the past I have seen the stadium as a place of translocation like an airport in the astral. Again usually non-human ET’s have used the stadium visuals. The choice was clearly mine to stay or go since I hadn’t been teleported directly to it.

Instead of eating my asparagus I sat down, put my head in my lap between my knees and told myself to remember I had succeeded in getting off the planet. Additionally, I’d likely made it to an aquatic based world. I was like, “Wow, for being tired, I did alright!”

I woke up sweating in the humidity and kept reciting the events of the evening until I had a chance to write them down. I wrote down two pages of basic notes this morning. Now I have written the rest.


For those asking HOW I remember…

  1. I already covered using affirmations and making repeated intentions.

  2. I recite to myself what has happened before.

  3. I again and again make more affirmations while remembering visually or reciting.

  4. I make visual bookmarks - like taking pictures that I intend to remember. I’ll stack the pictures up in my mind and try to remember a main one from every experience and more if I feel I have additional energy.

  5. Then I recite, affirm and bring the pictures back to memory again and again as much as needed.

  6. When I wake up I write down the basics. During the day if I remember details I add them. Then I write the entire experiences down when I am able to.


Alien Aquarium with Prehistoric Snails, Meatball Sub and A New Friend.
