Reality Shifting to the Aries Constellation!

Part 1 - Failed Astral Projection Attempt.

Usually I don’t get super excited but today is different! With the cooler weather I have been having better and better Astral Projections.

Instead of using the WBTB (WakeBackToBed) method last night I decided to full on try to Astral Project as I was falling asleep again. That’s been working for me lately; so, I’m sticking with it for awhile.

I got comfy on my back even though I usually sleep on my side. I waited. My mind felt at peace and a bit more wonderful than usual. Then I felt some heat in my back and woke up. It was already after midnight!

It was clear my body had been sleeping with my mind awake but I hadn’t recognized it. I’d been all ready to go and didn’t go! I turned over on my left hand side to see if that would help me not miss the signals.

Part 2 - Reality Shifting!

It worked! I could tell my physical body was tired and relaxed; so, I took some deep breaths. I made various intentions including to go to space again if I had the energy but not to try too hard if I didn’t.

If my physical body needed to rest it was OK. I’ve been having more Astral Projections lately; so, instead of more commands I was like… “It’s OK to just SLEEP too.”

My mind felt all “golden.” I’m not sure how else to describe it… warm, glowed up, good. My mind remained fully AWARE as the gold dissipated. I felt motion as a dark blue color enveloped me. I relaxed into it.

I’ve felt this sensation before. It’s more of a SHIFT of everything around me rather than getting OUT of my physical body. As I understand it some are now calling this Reality Shifting. I think of it as a form of the OOB/Astral experience.

My vision was blurry. After awhile I felt as though I were rising up at the same time as everything was shifting around me.

Part 3 - UFO’s and Inter-Dimensional Space.

I saw MANY smaller triangular UFOs. They were horizontally shaped rather than vertical pyramid structurally. Amongst them one emerged and looked more like a super long sports car with a red stripe. It seemed to land on a street but I’m not sure where.

I knew I was still “shifting” and my mind was interpreting something. I am not sure what. Maybe I was getting some help from inter-dimensional beings?! I hoped so. I sent a beam of joy to the fleet and the sporty one trying to give me some kind of telepathic message. I was like “YESSSS!” if you’re trying to help!

Then for some reason my thoughts switched over to, “Take me to a higher dimension!” I repeated it numerous times. At times I saw stars in space flowing past me. I realized I was moving at a great speed through space. I remembered to stay focused thank goodness!

This just kept on for so long I eventually said, “PLEASE JUST drop me off somewhere with intelligent life.” I wasn’t being impatient but time is at a premium sometimes in the astral. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could last without being pulled back. I didn’t want to get all the way out there in deep space and get pulled back before I could at least say a “hello” or attempt one.


Just Deep Space went on for awhile but I remained hopeful. I didn’t want to give a second command since I’d already been super clear. There is a time to just allow the process as well as using up energy on commands and intentions.

Part 4 - Exploring Another World!

I’m not sure how much longer later it was when I phased/shifted into what looked like a barn. As my vision became clear I could see these “cows” were not “cows.” They had very oddly shaped ears. They were animals of some kind. I felt fresh air and my astral energy body was tingling!!!

Sometimes I call these types of transitions a “LONG JUMP.” That means I’m basically good to go despite the long journey. I was practically ecstatic about that but reminded myself not to get too excited. I focused again on the environment immediately.

There was sunshine, fresh air, the barn-like structure but this was not Earthy air and I’d been in space for quite awhile. I’d forgotten to intend to go to the future.

I drifted outside. There was a green field. I decided to take a look around. I FELT AMAZING HERE. I had made it to some higher dimension for sure. Lifting off the ground I was very careful about my speed and intention. I kept line of sight with various parts of the environment so as not to shoot myself off into space in case this was a lower gravity planet.

When I put on 360 vision to pan around with panoramic vision I had already overshot into  the upper atmosphere. I paused the lifting and just panned around. This was a super-giant planet much like Earth but definitely not Earth. There were large rivers the size of lakes beneath me.

I did not see any signs of an ocean at all. There were trees of various kinds, grasses, bushes and the light from the sun was spectacular. I’m not sure how to describe it.  It felt like a giant dose of Vitamin D you didn’t know you needed.

Flying a bit lower and just forward to see what I could see closer up… I found some colorful structures. It seemed like it might be a giant summer fair.

Part 5 - The Colorful Fair

As I came down closer to the ground it all seemed to get smaller. It was indeed a small to medium-sized fair! I found a colorfully decorated booth with what looked like candies.

It had an adult woman there. I asked her where I was but she didn’t understand me for awhile. We kept trying telepathically back and forth for at least what felt like 5 minutes.

Eventually she showed me a picture of a place she knew about that eventually translated as a larger, “Planetary Help Center.” I gave a yes in as many ways as I could think of and she somehow phased/shifted me into that before returning to her booth at the colorful fair.

Part 6 - The Planetary Help Center

This was obviously an astral nexus of sorts for the entire planet and astral region. There were tables, people playing games and chatting etc. I had been deposited near a long, grey desk. Some people were just sitting in chairs in front of it sipping on their drinks or reading rather than getting help.

One lady was actually standing behind this super long desk but she was also not looking very busy. She got super excited when she saw me though.  She had silvery, curly white hair about down to her knees but I couldn’t make out the other features very well.

When I asked her where I was she pointed at me and said, “Earth!” She knew where I was from right away. Then she began suddenly telepathing in what sounded like Mandarin, Chinese to me. I could have cried in frustration. I tried to tell her, “Right planet but I can’t translate that to my language.”

I have no idea if the Mandarin would have made sense since I didn’t understand it. She still seemed happy to have identified my planet. I told her I’d just ask around since the room was pretty full of various beings.

Part 7 - The Perfect PERFECT Place.

Another woman sitting in a chair by the desk area chimed in and said I was in, “The Perfect, PERFECT Place.” I thanked her and asked which planet or dimension the Perfect PERFECT Place was in.

She did say more but I couldn’t hear whatever it was she was saying. Her thoughts grew more faint and she emitted a golden light. She had done her best and was wishing me well. I gave her a small glow back and continued around the room.

Part 8 - Genie Binary Star and Sherana-mon Galaxy Clues.

One man on the far end of the room was sitting with a friend and looked pretty lucid. When I asked him he thought about how to say it for a few minutes. Then he leaned in towards my ear and said, “2000, 4000, Genie!”

At the same time he sent me a telepathic image of two stars with one being brighter than the other. I thought, “Ok. Binary Star System. That’s something.” He also made sounds I couldn’t comprehend. I telepathed the picture of the stars back to him so he’d knew I understood I was in a binary system.

I later approached a group of ladies at a round table playing some kind of a game. By then I said, “I’m just trying to find out where I am in Space please.”

One clearly said we were in the “Sherana-mon Galaxy.” She showed me a large group of stars that looked like a cross between a spiral and lenticular galaxy. I had the strong feeling she was from somewhere in a lenticular galaxy and this was not her home.

I tried to spell it out on the table to make sure I wouldn’t forget while she kept trying to pronounce it over and over again for me. She wasn’t sure about how the last part sounded.

Part 9 - Accidental Shift.

A few moments later someone brushed up against me and accidentally shifted me into a whole different area with his particularly strong energy. It was a large grey room where people were lining up to “go back.” I got in line.

Our instructions were to bend backwards back into whatever room we’d been in all at once using the group energy to return. I bent back when the others did and returned back to the same room. It looked like the same people were there; so, I guess it was only a momentary shift to the other place.

Part 10 - Bandicot Acorn.

A random man walking by me asked where I was from. When I said “Earth” he said he’d never heard of it. He kept on walking by me without telling me where he was from.

Another man said something in yet another language I couldn’t understand. When I asked him to try again I heard the words, “Bandicot” and “Acorn.” He clarified that the planet looked somewhat like an Acorn with a small disc hovering around only the northern hemisphere.

Part 11 - Meeting another Astral ET Explorer.

Then I asked another man where I was just to see what he would say. He looked in his 30s or 40s with a medium build, light skin, blonde hair, blonde beard AND pale fuzz all over his entire body!

That reminded me that I can ask myself to use the command “true form” to try and perceive someone better. I also asked him to show me what he really looked like by telepathing a picture to me. His form appeared to change.

He was about 6 feet tall, on the thin side, had whitish silvery skin and about a 2 foot long neck. The most interesting part was he also had long silvery white hairs covering his body that were bioluminescent. They were not thick like on an animal as one could still see his whitish silvery skin through them.

He conveyed that the planet we were on wasn't his planet. He was just visiting. He also shared that he was a hunter (of information.) I'm pretty sure he meant researcher; so, he was there to research.

I wasn’t able to understand his version of the name of the planet. When he tried I mainly heard more sounds I couldn’t understand. I did my best to explain we mainly have tiny fuzzy hairs on our bodies that don’t glow. He gave me a gentle hug. His glowing hairs felt soft. That’s when I woke up.

Part 12 - Sheratan in The Aries Constellation!

Using the information I was given I did some research online. The closest constellation which seems to fit is the Aries Constellation. The Binary Star is called Sheratan (B.Arietis.)


Star Family Contact - Dagger Clan. Hydra Constellation.


Astral Projection - Turtle Time in South America.