Star Family Contact - Dagger Clan. Hydra Constellation.

I became lucid while already astral projecting in space last night. Someone was with me and informed me I was under a pre-approved “Special Escort.” The person felt peaceful. I still couldn’t see very well.

We came to a very large planet about 2-3 times the size of Earth. I saw some vague blue colors but I still couldn’t make it out very well. We barely entered the atmosphere when my escort did a shift or something that phased us into a large room.

My Special Escort appeared as a very thin man with short, straight brown hair, pale skin and about 4 feet tall. His appearance didn’t do him justice. I could tell he had a lot of spiritual power beneath the surface.

The room had about 400 people in it sitting in raised stands and benches. We sat down in a higher set of them over on the left side of the room. Beneath us was an arena. The walls were gleaming white with no decorations or labelling of any kind.

The arena below us was a gleaming white floor. My Special Escort/Guide reached over and held my hand. I suspect it was a super gentle way of reminding me to pay attention rather than looking around the room.

Below us various ornately dressed women appeared flashing daggers while spinning and dancing. It was a culturally rich ritualistic dance. I was entranced. Many times I had to remind myself not to become too emotionally involved in the movements.

(Again, I couldn’t hear sounds or music but that’s somewhat normal for me.)

I could feel the emotion of the movements in the core of my soul. It evoked a kind of primal memory without the actual memories of this place fully emerging. It all felt so familiar.

Once the ritualistic Dagger Dance was over my Special Escort gently showed me into a different, much smaller room. We never really moved very much. Rather we made motions to stand up from our seats. Then we just kind of turned and shifted sideways through the wall behind us.

There was a desk with a woman seated behind it. She appeared to have dark brown medium length wavy hair with tan skin and dark brown eyes. I wondered if she might be from Peru or Brazil before I remembered I was on another planet in space.

She began to share information with me while remaining composed yet friendly. She explained a lot of time had passed and how they hadn’t been able to get in touch with many of “their people” due to various reasons including… electromagnetic, positional, mathematical equations etc.

The whole group of about 400 including me were all there for a star family reunion and to get back ‘up to date” as best as possible after eons of “no contact.”

She informed me I was a member of “The Dagger Clan.” Almost everything “checked out” about the information she had about me except for one marriage way back in their ancient history. I didn’t remember it of course. She called in other members of my star family in that area. It took awhile but 5 beings eventually appeared. I couldn’t make them out very well.

She asked them all numerous questions and I gave her (and them) permission to do a deep search in my mind/soul telepathically. I figured what is privacy over eons. Just let it all be what it is.

Eventually I was informed that my star partner for that zone had basically, “moved.” Not really moved on but had a transcendent transitional state etc. We’d had a close relationship but were not totally inseparable per say etc. I said I was happy for him wherever he is. I didn’t remember him so I wasn’t sure what else was expected of me.

I wasn’t sure why this mattered but it did very much to them. By them I don’t mean only her but the star family she had been able to call in for this meeting. They didn’t feel the relationship warranted a special kind of agreement I had no idea about. They weren’t arguing. They all felt it was obvious.

They were clearly attempting to re-define my place in their current star family. One of the family members assured me all the other 400 were going through the same process and to be patient. This was taking quite some time. I didn’t recognize them but they seemed to be doing their best to help my position. Another one of them telepathed me something that felt like that.

I didn’t care about my position mainly because I couldn’t remember whatever it was. I sat there patiently waiting for more questions. I didn’t even remember whoever this man was I was supposed to have been married to there potentially eons ago.

While I was waiting I entertained the thought that it might be my “Special Escort” but that felt like a big “NO” just from my own intuition. How was I not supposed to be curious?!

These closer star family members representing me were busy sharing their memories about me in various forms. I wished I could understand anything about what they were sharing!

It would be nice to know what I’ve been all about for eons!!! Who wouldn’t ACHE to know?!

Finally one with short, dark wavy hair cited an example from my current life. It seems I was “allowed” to hear that one and also to confirm it. It was about a woman I used to know whom I used to consider a friend.

My star family representative showed her in a position “higher than I was” even though I didn’t agree. I outright disagreed about “higher.”

My family representative further defined his/her “Higher” meaning making more money, a bit older and seemingly more knowledgable. Someone I could look up to. I couldn’t disagree with that definition.

I did think of this person that way while I was first getting to know her except for the higher part. I genuinely liked her as a friend. She gave good overall advice. She had a good heart most of the time as I’d hoped I’d given her.

As it turned out HER ways all turned out to be highly manipulative in various ways. When I wasn’t immediately available at her beck and call because I “owed her for her valuable advice” she made comments a few times about my “boundaries.”

It didn’t take long for me to find reasons to be “too busy” to hang out with her anymore.

The star family representative was showing I have a pattern of behavior about setting healthy boundaries and thinking for myself rather than being manipulated even by those in leadership positions etc.

The woman/being behind the desk decided my previous star marriage years ago had actually been a real marriage of souls yet at the same time not universally contractual. It was worded in a way more confusing way.

My star family members were very RELIEVED about the outcome. I could feel it like a weight being lifted from THEIR energy bodies. I had to ask why. A few of them described to me (different kind of telepathy) at the same time about how it meant I had more freedom in that area of space which included business matters as well as choosing another star partner for that specific area.

I was still in a kind of wonderment about how any of these things so many eons ago might be affecting me now. I also now wonder how it affects my starry family members who stood up for me.

I lost focus for a few seconds/moments/minutes (I can’t be sure) but not very long. When I became lucid again two women were fighting with daggers in beautiful silks. Someone told me about how it’s a “Matriarchal Society” and they’ll work it out. One bled and then got back up. They shook hands. My guide explained how the show of blood was more important than actual blood or energy seepage.

My Special Escort then took us to a kind of circular area that reminded me of a pocket dimension even though it wasn’t. It was more like a bubble. I asked him where I was (in space) because I’d forgotten to earlier. He was already, “on it.”

I did my best to semi-insulate my emotions as he phased us “outside.” I saw the curvature of the planet we were on. I was right before about it being “a big one.” It was evening. I saw faint mist and tiny stars in the far distance. I thought perhaps a circular galaxy. I wasn’t sure where yet.

He told me to look again (meaning he was sharing his memories too.) It was super HD in the sky with a large comet. He said, “That’s your Halley Comet. It’s HERE NOW.” It was implied I could figure it out.

I remembered just fine when I woke up instead of just waking up. I immediately looked up where Halley’s comet is. It’s in the Hydra Constellation. I looked up planets in the Hydra Constellation. There is one Super-Earth worthy planet called Gliese 357-d.


Astral Class - BOSTON.


Reality Shifting to the Aries Constellation!