Meet My Newest Astral BFF… MR. PORRIDGE.

I made no direct effort to Astral Project last night as I fell asleep. I did a few Quan Yin mantras. After those I made the intention that if I did spontaneously Astral Project (as I sometimes do) that I should at least go to the future a bit in order to have a little more time.

When things came into view I could tell I was Astral Projecting. There were people around but not many of them were lucid. I looked out a window and saw a beautiful Caribbean style island in the distance. I could tell it was vibrating at a slightly different vibration than our cruise ship was resonating at.

There were only lightly colored wooden boards for the floor paired with small round tables and cushioned swivel chairs set up along the right side where the large windows were located. It was a great view of the island. It had deep green, blue and violet vibrations. I took notice that there wasn’t much yellow for some reason.

Someone was telepathing to us all from a distance that it was more a place to be Viewed rather than visit. I don’t remember why. I was happy I could hear some of the information from a distance. Usually I need to be close to someone telepathing with me in order to understand or hear the messages.

I tried telepathing around the room in general asking where we were or what the ship’s name was to no avail. I was not being heard. Refusing to give up I continued until a lady with shoulder length curly brownish-gray hair told me perhaps “he” would know. I couldn’t make the rest of her form out except for her face and hair. She was rather misty like I tend to be most of the time in the astral. I thanked her.

When she had said, “he,” she had downloaded his image into my mind, that “he” works there and might know the answers to my questions. Also, she mentioned, “he,” might not talk to me AT ALL  as “he” is “uptight and terse” with people. I still thought my chances would be best asking “him” since “he worked there.”

His image was of about a 6 foot tall, slender man in a black suit with shiny, short straight black hair. In her image of him she had shared he had thin lips with a long smile that went up on one side of his face but twisted down on the other side. It wasn’t really a frown. I think she was attempting to portray his sense of disdain towards others in general OR perhaps that is just the way his astral face looked to her.

I wandered around the room telepathically asking around for him. She didn’t know his name; so, I was mainly flashing his image around telepathically as best as I could including his mouth twisted in disdain etc.

It seemed more like a goofy grin. Maybe he’d just been having a sarcastic joke with her? I’ve known people like that before. It’s more their humor that is TWISTED than their actual mouths. Lol!

Finally I found the nice tall gentleman. He had an almost white glow about him but it only radiated for about an inch around him. It was dense; so, he clearly had experience with large groups of people.

I said hello and tried to ask where I was. Immediately he said, “I’m GAY!” I was like, “Ok, but I’m just trying to find out the details about where I am besides some ship somewhere in the astral?” Again, he said, “I’M REALLY GAY!” At that I was like, “Being GAY is great. I’m not interested in a relationship. I just want to know where I am or I’ll leave and go do something else.” (I totally gave him the vibe like… I have better things to do if you don’t want to chat.) I had no idea why sharing about his sexual preference mattered so much to him.

Anyway, he started to LAUGH, shook his hair out and it turned a sandy brownish-blonde color. His face shifted a bit but mostly stayed the same except for a few freckles appearing. He really was pretty cute for a prankster. I had the reassuring vibe from him that it had all been in “GOOD FUN.” The joke was that he was “GAY” as in having a “GAY OLD TIME.”

At that point I’m just loving this guy! I was like, “let’s be GAY BFFs!!!” He was laughing and agreed!!!! I was laughing. I thought that this might be some old-fashioned British Humor from a bygone era?! He and I were so busted up laughing nothing else mattered in that moment. That was our moment. It was special. Moments inside moments like this can happen in the astral.

For some reason an image of the Island Viewing returned to me. I remembered to ask yet again where I was. He said he’d take me to “The Help Desk” where THEY could explain it better.

He was guiding me along various corridors when we nearly passed by a silver area. He wanted to go in there first; so, I agreed. After all now we were BFFs!!! (For those that don’t know the term… BFF = Best Friends Forever.) When the room came into view for me I could tell it was a buffet/kitchen area.

At first I was super excited about it because I like trying different foods in the astral. My excitement was soon curtailed. There were some large silver pans with food in them but they only had hot breakfast cereals. I was not tempted at all.

“HE” (since I still didn’t get his NAME) said he’d be quick and got “porridge.” I kid you not. We went to a small wooden bench made out of the same material as the floor boards around the area. He had “Plain Porridge.” He was so content with that Porridge that I simply sat there being the best BFF I could be. I didn’t say or think one nasty thing about “Porridge.” We had a fantastic rapport. I wasn’t going to let HIS love of “Porridge” ruin it.

He finished up quickly just like he promised and showed me to one of the lower decks with a Reception Area Help Desk. He actually disappeared right in front of me with a real smile on his face rather than the twisted, prankster style one the other lady had showed me.

There were only five people in line which I figured wasn’t too bad. I’ve been in longer lines in the astral. Sometimes they go really fast. Well, someone from the line heard me thinking about it and told me the current person at the front of the line had already been there 30 minutes.

With that in mind I figured I’d just go exploring on my own some more. This current area was pretty small but there was a staircase and an elevator. Before I could head off towards one the Help Desk lady telepathed to me that my room was “521.” I was pretty impressed with her and thanked her.

That’s all she had time to tell me but that was good enough to tell me I’ve been there before and at least subconsciously thought ahead enough to book a room. I began to float up the stairs. I paused partway through and telepathed for help. I felt “stuck.” I really should have had some “porridge!”

My new BFF showed up mentioning how he was getting “busy.” I told him I was just looking for my room… Room 521. He floated me straight up through some wooden floors and dimensions to Floor 5. It had a variety of shops which were all closed. Many had golden, protective lights around them. He had to go again; so, we gave each other a WIDE BFF GRIN.

It didn’t take me very long to find my Room. It was a very narrow Glowing White Door clearly marked “521” in Golden Numbers. It was wedged in among the various closed shops. I wondered if this room was going to be… BIGGER ON THE INSIDE?!… like in Dr. Who?

There was definitely a British Humor theme happening on this ship!!!

Before I could phase or enter my Room (521)… I woke up.


Well, I didn’t find out the name of the ship.

I didn’t find out the name of the astral dimension.


I MADE A NEW ASTRAL BFF!!! (It was so unexpected.)

The ISLAND VIEWING really was spectacular because of the colors, vibrations and dimensional variances. I’m forgetting a lot but I know my mind also remembers more than I can consciously remember.

I FEEL REALLY LUCKY and maybe like I should make myself somehow enjoy Porridge.

Thinking about this more I looked up on Google, “Are people actually NAMED Porridge? I thought to look it up this way because I’d been asking where I was and for the name of a place etc during the ENTIRE Astral Projection.

It turns out according to, The Porridge family name was found in the USA, UK and Canada between 1880 and 1911.”

Well, my new astral BFF can be named, Mr. Porridge, for now. He did first present himself in a suit even though he’s really amusing and just a lot of fun to be around. He’s one of those gregarious people that make you thankful for laughter and the universe.

I feel kind of stupid not getting his name was “Porridge” at the buffet. He was showing me who he was the whole time. I must be super dense. I think it was because I was still also trying to remember the wonderful colors and vibrational frequencies of the Island Viewing.


Astral Intruder!


Astral Projection - Impromptu Astral Potluck!