Astral Projection - Impromptu Astral Potluck!

I encountered a caravan crossing the Columbia River Gorge. Some of the people crossing were floating across along with the crowd. Others had old-fashioned western style wagons. A few had Romani style wagons. Higher in the air I saw a few race cars. They were going along at the same speed as everyone else.

Since I was curious about their various destinations, I drifted over in my misty astral form and blended into the crowd. I tried to telepath with a few but they couldn’t seem to hear me very well.

One lady in a long dress told me she was from the Mid-West and nodded at me. After that my memories faded as some of the various wagons finished crossing and were drifting up a bank of dark green, wet grass. It was almost twilight and I could sense the dampness in the air.

My memories became hazy like the air but I remember drifting along with them as I lost track of time. Eventually I heard sounds and I could see images coming into view again. The Mid-Western lady was very active now and trying to get my attention.

We had arrived at a large brick and stone warehouse in Oregon to take a break. She explained the break was running longer than intended because someone had fallen behind the group. A few of the others went out to try and find them.

The reason she was waking me up was because many were losing energy and she noticed I had a huge sack. I looked over where she was pointing on the floor. Sure enough I had an enormous Santa sized sack only it was colored whiteish silver.

I noticed it right away as I’ve seen myself carrying this one before. There was also a shiny black suitcase sitting next to it. Nobody had disturbed them; so, that was reassuring.

I took a few moments to get my astral body stabilized. It was crowded in there. Some people were sitting at empty stone tables looking weary alright. Some others were bustling around going through their own bags.

Deciding help out I told the Mid-Western lady I’d contribute but only if others did too. I figured that way they’d have a better chance of remembering the experience. She spread the word that those who could help the others should but if they couldn’t it was ok.

News of the impromptu potluck began to spread. I wandered around the warehouse making sure others were getting more lucid by participating and contributing.

One lady with dark wavy hair told me she was from Seattle and produced a ‘high quality skinless chicken breast.” She said it was all the extra she had but that it would last someone about 3 hours in that astral area. She decided to put it way in the back in a small kitchen area. That way someone with some strong energy would find it and not just wake up right after eating it. I thanked her for participating.

Another person produced some very oily French Fries. I tried to taste one but I could only taste the grease. They were older fries but the person had done their best to contribute. Others were producing small candies, cookies and jams to share. A man with dark hair and striped pajamas produced tiny bowls of pea soup! He said he used Green Giant brand peas.

I was satisfied that people were getting more aware, lucid and doing their best to share; so, I opened up my Santa sized Silver Sack. Often times I find I’m carrying around Rainbow Skittles of all things for energy snacks. Not this time. Instead this sack was loaded up with loads of small packages containing round white and brown crackers!

As promised I drifted around the warehouse asking those who wanted CRACKERS to raise their hands. I gave many extra packages of crackers to the table of men who only had the tiny bowls of pea soup. At some tables only a few people raised their hands. I only went through about 1/4 of my total cracker stash before I woke up.

I’m a little frustrated with myself for not asking where the final destination was supposed to be or if there were many destinations along their astral route. I would have also loved to get to know that Mid-Western lady better.


Meet My Newest Astral BFF… MR. PORRIDGE.


Meeting J-Projector and a Visit to La Brea Tar Pits.