Astral Travel to New Zealand for Helios Meet-Up and Light Wave Meditation.

Last night as I was falling asleep I very clearly heard “HELIOS!” I’ve worked with various energies of Helios before; so, I began to say it as a mantra as I fell asleep along with “Remember to Remember.”

I either just fell asleep for awhile or had the usual “blackout” phase others talk about. Then I phased into a large room with good lighting. I think there were only about 20-30 people there that had already arrived.

Some tables with white tablecloths were set up with food items on them for “after the meeting.” I’m not sure who telepathed me that.

When I asked where I was a tall man with pale skin, ash brown hair and a scruffy beard told me, “The Land of Kiwis!” I’ve been to NZ in the astral before; so, I gave him a big smile for that one. I wished I’d thought to look and see what I actually looked like.

Someone maybe him… not sure anymore began a group meditation about HELIOS and how the energies of Helion and Helios are particularly easy to tap into now. Basically what that means is certain frequencies of light are pouring in now making it an amazing time to re-charge your astral energies!

Someone else chimed in about bells, information, light codes, akashic records being updated etc. I couldn’t keep track of it all. I made sure I was focusing more on tuning into the Helios and Helion light energies pouring in. My astral body got buzzing pretty nicely.

I got a little too bliss for awhile and kinda just zoned while absorbing light information I guess you could call it. Once I got lucid again the tall man was still there and indicated that there was still “some food left.”

At least I didn’t miss the entire buffet! At the buffet I saw rice, baked beans, a veggie salad with broccoli in it and a fruit salad with slices of kiwi in it. I couldn’t tell if the dressing on the fruit salad was mayo or yogurt. There was also an orange sauce in a small dish I didn’t recognize.

I just took a tiny spoon of the rice, one piece of broccoli and one small slice of kiwi from the fruit salad. I figured it would be best to save the rest for any stragglers.

I tried to telepath with a few ladies near the buffet table but I don’t think they heard me. Also, I didn’t want to interrupt them if they were chatting about the meditation. I took my plate over to a long rectangular table which was now empty. There were no chairs; so, I kind of hovered there tasting the food.

The tall man from before was across the room and gave me a nod. I nodded back.

I couldn’t taste the rice but I could tell that it was dry. I could taste the texture and flavor of the broccoli stem just barely but it was there! The kiwi slice was delicate and I got a light green/yellow feeling from the sauce. No idea how to describe that! (Keep in mind I usually can’t taste very well in the astral.)

At some point that man was asking me to tell others about the Helios/Light energies being particularly strong now. I gave him a nod before I woke up as he was still at a distance across the room.

When I woke up I laid in bed, did some deep breathing and connected directly with some Helios Light Energies. I was still a bit groggy from just waking up but some beautiful David Arkenstone music came to mind from his album, Celtic Book of Days.

There’s a beautiful sun song on there. I just looked it up. It’s called, “Children of The Sun.” He has other songs about the sun as well.

The overall message is whichever part of the world you are in… the HELIOS Light is particularly strong right now. It’s a great time to open up energetically and absorb it. Enjoy it.

I meditated a little this afternoon and it came in so strong for about 15 minutes. I began to cry. It wasn’t emotional processing etc. Just sometimes when I feel strong energy I get a tear response like allergies only way better. Good tears! Lol!

So to do this meditate or just get quiet and simply ask for the Helios/Helion Light that is abundantly pouring in right now.


Meeting J-Projector and a Visit to La Brea Tar Pits.


Astral Projection Interlude - Part 3 - Shamanic Interlude.