Astral Projection Interlude - Part 3 - Shamanic Interlude.

Astral Projection Interlude - Part 3 - Shamanic Interlude.

My second Astral Projection of the evening was even shorter. It was a spontaneous Astral Projection sometime after 3am; so, I’m not sure how clumsy of an exit this one was.

I became lucid in a large warehouse with seats lined up in straight lines. There was a lady with white curly hair at a white desk in front of all the seats. I was seated next to a woman on my left that felt familiar. The woman with white hair said something but I indicated I couldn’t hear her if she was talking to me.

She got up and came closer. She said someone wanted to speak with me privately in the back room (or bathroom). She guided me through a door off to her right and my left. Another man came along. At first he looked 6 feet tall, had jet black skin with a cool Afro-style haircut, Tribal Clothing and Various Shamanic Beads. I couldn’t tell which tribe or practice he may have practiced. Some of the many beads looked like Buddhist ones as well; however, they were mixed in along with the other layers of beads. He had so many!!! It was quite an impressive look for sure!!!

I felt like, “WOW! This man is serious about healing and shamanism.” At the same time I took notice that he wasn’t actively emanating a healing aura yet. Some healers and shamans will put off a glow sometimes. Anyway, then once we entered a small dim grey colored room he changed his appearance to look more like MacGyver of all people. From all that to MACGYVER?! He was likely trying to put me at ease but he didn’t need to. I wasn’t super lucid but I could tell I was Astral Projecting and it wasn’t just a dream. I had preferred his decked out SHAMANIC form but ok. MacGyver is pretty cool too!

Before I could ask him questions about who he was and why he wanted to speak with me PRIVATELY… he began asking me “Personal Questions.” He made a concerned look on his face and asked if I was “ILL with Covid?” I told him no but I mask anyway to help make sure I don’t get it. (I peeked at myself and saw I was wearing a light blue wispy colored mask in the astral.)

I told him I realize we don’t have to mask in the astral and that the mask was a “habit” because I believe in masking in public and I wasn’t super lucid. I insured him I meant NO offense to non-maskers and I’m fully vaccinated if he was worried about catching something. (We can’t catch Covid in the astral even if I’d had it but I left that tidbit out.) I’d included all of that because he’d asked about my being potentially ill. He seemed more concerned about me than catching anything from me anyway.

That didn’t seem to resolve his concerns. Next he asked about the last time I was sick and if it was longer than two weeks ago. I insured him I haven’t been sick for at least a month except for minor allergies. He still looked concerned and a bit PERPLEXED. Then he asked why I felt SO HOT and did I realize I was running HOT?

Oh my goodness I’m getting tired of answering this in the astral. He’s not the first Shaman or Energy Healer to pick up on my menopausal discomfort! I decided to go into the long version about how human women get hot flashes that can last for hours due to hormonal shifts later in life etc. I explained how I’ve been having hot flashes and had to discontinue hormone medication for them and yes I’d tried medication. It worked great for cooling me off until I had side effects etc. He really seemed to need the long answer because he was so PERPLEXED.

After going into detail and insuring him it’s unpleasant but “normal” it made sense to him. He FELT relieved. Then he told me how I looked mid-20s in the astral. I took another peek at myself and I looked like a mid-20s version of myself with my longer hair along with one bang hair out of place. (I’ll do that in the astral and during Reality Checks on purpose to help get myself lucid.) That is your Insider How-TO TIP. Reality Check ordinary things like your hair. If it’s out of place… why?

It was really nice of him to check on me whoever he was. I never did get to ask who he was before I woke up. Also, come on now…. HE had shifted forms effortlessly. Why be surprised if I look a bit different than my true age. haha! I really did like him and I wish I could have asked about a few of those beads I saw earlier.

As for my hot flashes the universe should know I’m running HOT again and I’ll Astral Project anyway. Hormones cooled me off but the side effects were not good for me. Astral Projecting is way better than laying there physically awake in bed sweating it out. Menopause can’t stop me. :-)


Astral Travel to New Zealand for Helios Meet-Up and Light Wave Meditation.


Astral Projection Interlude - Part 2 - Meeting The 9 Grain Farmer.