Astral Projection from Ancient Greece to Futuristic Rome

I was astral projecting with a large group of people when I lost lucidity and my mind went blank. Then I was just dreaming for awhile. When I re-gained lucidity I was still in the astral. I was in an old-fashioned style coach looking out at vast, lush green fields and farmlands. I asked the driver by telepathy where I was and the answer was Ancient Greece Eonian Islands. (I looked that up and found there are Ionian ones listed.)

Ionian Islands Wikipedia Link

I was in and out of lucidity for awhile as it felt like a 3 day long trip in the old coach. Finally he came to a stop and prompted me to wake up and pay attention etc. I asked him where we had come from as I didn't want to forget. He told me again about the islands which I remembered. Then I asked him about "which one did we visit last?" Again, I got the enunciation "Eonian." Then he showed me there was a map that was super close to the ground at the coach stop. He told me there are these maps all along his route but only at the stops. Unfortunately I couldn't read the lettering.

I told him I'm, TheAstralTourist, and I need to remember all this. Unfortunately he had to get going for another pick-up. I didn't want to hold someone else up from a fun trip; so, we nodded at each other and I was left by the map still trying to figure it out.

I noticed a small one story mall type complex in the distance. It was entirely dark except for one bright blue shop lit up in neon blue. I floated over the lush green landscape until I came to it. When I went in I could tell it was a futuristic coffee shop kind of like a high tech Starbucks but way better. Most were not telepathing to each other in English. I sent out a msg telepathically.... "who speaks English please?!"

There was a cashier behind the counter with wavy blonde hair and tanned skin who responded. I asked him where I was. He said, "Italy." I told him I thought I was last in Ancient Greece. Then I asked which city, town or farm etc I was in and he telepathed, "Rome/Roma!" At some point I remembered to telepath to everyone that, I'm "The Astral Tourist" online just in case anyone in there was from my time period. Slim chance I know.

I thought it was pretty neat I had gone from Ancient Greece to a futuristic Rome along the coach ride. I thanked him and decided to wander around outside. One man was lounging on the porch of his farmhouse. When I drifted by he said, "I heard you earlier. Here is something to remember me by." He asked for permission to touch me which I gave.

Then he identified himself as "Romani" and gave me a tiny, tingly kiss on the neck. It wasn't sexual at all but I definitely felt his energy. I'm thinking that's how he gave me his astral ident in case we can meet again.

I don't usually find myself in Greece or Italy at all; so, this was pretty new for me. Usually I'm in London, Asia, India, Mountains or Canada etc.

Happy Astral Travels.


Astral Meetup with Trippy White Rabbit Theme Song.


Astral Projection and AI - Artificial Intelligence.