Astral Meetup with Trippy White Rabbit Theme Song.

Last night I finally AP'd sometime between 4-7am Eastern Time. When I got out it was afternoon instead of morning and quite sunny. I didn't have a ton of energy; so, I decided to just go swimming in a lake not far from where I live. That's all I was really thinking about as I love swimming and don't get to anymore physically.

Anyway, a nice lady at the beach asked me to go with her to a meetup unless I had to wake up soon. I told her I've been tired lately and planned on sleeping in. She kind of phased us into a large concrete building where there were many people wearing winter coats and such. It felt like this might be a Canadian Astral Meetup but I never asked to confirm it. If not Canada it was probably in the NorthEast USA... perhaps Michigan or Massechusetts.

Some were telepathing to me about preparing for this coming winter as it will be extra harsh and cold. One man recognized me though and said, "You're the Astral Tourist! I didn't know you were coming!" Then he tried to tell me his last name but I couldn't make it all out. It had a lot of vowels in it and sounded like it might be Germanic. I tried to ask him to tell me his online nickname instead. Anyway, he was about 5'4" with pale skin and looked around 60-65 yrs old. I'm not good with ages. He said he would remember me.

Then there was a short, slender lady more in her 70s to 80s just guessing here that came over and gave me a hug. She had curly white hair and was also bundled up for winter. I couldn't hear what she said but she was trying to tell me something about knowing me or knowing someone else that I know as well.

There were around 100-150 people here total. Someone had big news about a relative passing on. Then there was a big huddle where everyone squeezed in close together to sing the person's favorite song in their honor. I could hear the song in the background just barely. It was, White Rabbit, by Jefferson Airplane. Some were super sad but many didn't know who passed and stayed to hum the song in support. I never heard who it was that passed.

Afterwards the man with all the vowels in his name looked at me from across the room. I couldn't hear him if he telepathed something but it was a knowing kind of look like, "We'll both remember this!" I'm happy he reminded me because I'd gotten caught up in all the emotions.

I was still floating around waiting to wake up after most people left. One lady with straight brown hair and a smart looking pink and white winter coat was also still there. She asked what I was going to do next. I told her I was just going to ride out the AP there in the room until I woke up since I didn't have energy to do anything else.

She started telepathing/humming the song louder and stronger; so , I could hear it better. She didn't know the person it was for but loves the song. I floated around moving and spinning to the rhythm of it for a few mins. It might have been 5 minutes. I'm not sure. Then my astral body ran out of energy and dropped to the ground in front of her. Then I woke up.

Just for fun I looked up the Story of “White Rabbit” on the Jefferson Airplane website. You can find it here: The Story of White Rabbit.

I also found their Super Cool Official Lyric Video on YouTube.




Astral Projection from Ancient Greece to Futuristic Rome