Astral Projection Interlude - Part 1 - Just Getting Out.

Astral Projection Interlude Intro and Part 1 - Just Getting OUT.


I only had two brief Astral Projections last night. Even though I had insomnia I decided to try anyway earlier in the evening than usual around 10pm. Since this is a little long I’m separating this into three parts. I’m tagging it APinterlude. I had some trouble because I didn’t just wait to spontaneously Astral Project. I’m going into some detail especially for those who struggle to Astral Travel and go Out of Body.

Also, when I say “brief” it may have felt that way at the time. Yet… when I wake up and begin to write down all the many details it feels and reads much longer. Time shift is something to be aware on the Astral Plane.

Astral Projection Interlude Part 1 - Just Getting OUT (with Insomnia and a little spunk!)

Sometimes I don’t feel much of a vibrational stage and other times I do. This time my mind was totally awake and it felt like my body was too. Still, I felt a tiny shift and saw a tinge of purple. I couldn’t be sure but I decided to try an exit.

When I gave the first Command “UP” nothing happened. When I gave the second Command “FLOAT” only my astral arms floated up. Next I tried actually rolling out even though that isn’t my favorite. My astral form swung halfway out sideways but I was still stuck at the hips.

Astral exits aren’t always a beautiful thing. Lol! This was obviously also going to be another blind exit since things were looking pretty blurry. There I was hanging upside down from my hips in a blur laughing at myself.

I had to get focused and get it together; so, I reminded myself to “Remember to Remember” and just “GO” where I wanted. I swung UP, swung by the hips to my left, turned and tried the stretch technique to the wall. Sometimes if I stretch forward enough the rest just follows.

When I got to the window I couldn’t feel it; so, I just kept going to my target location outside. I felt myself fall on soft damp grass even though I still couldn’t see. It had been raining outside. I kept moving in slow motion along the ground. Once I thought I was near my target location I asked for “Clarity Now.”


Astral Projection Interlude - Part 2 - Meeting The 9 Grain Farmer.


Astral Class - BOSTON.