Astral Class - BOSTON.

I arrived in a large warehouse.

There was dim lighting with benches. There was plenty of space in the middle area for “displays.” I was right there in the middle of it all. Using my panoramic 360 astral vision I panned around.

Somehow I felt like some JOKE was on me since I couldn’t remember what I was doing there in the first place.

I zoomed and moved my astral form towards the far end of the room. One man was brightly lit up in a nice golden light but not too bright as to disturb others. I approached him and asked where I was.

He said, “Hello xyz.” He knew my first name already. He stood up to shake my hand. I shook it intending a firm grip yet not too firm. “The perfect handshake.” He understood.

Then he used my last name because he didn’t want me to think he was being tricky. I’m thinking, “He clearly knows who I am.”

I panned around again just to double check I was still astral projecting and my mind wasn’t having a funny on me.

I was astral projecting.

He had stood up to shake my hand or made a kind of motion like it. The large space seemed rather dimly lit. Everyone there was looking at me.

Mr. McMillan also told me his first name to help put me more at ease but I’ve forgotten it now. He was very kind. He was clearly the host of this astral place. Thanks to his warm spirit and compassion I realized I was supposed to be teaching an Astral Class. I thanked him while I tried my best to remember.

I just couldn’t remember what it was supposed to be about. I stepped away from Mr. McMillan and did another spinning view around the room. I should say I thought I did. Another was there in the audience who thought I was moving in slow motion.

I actually heard an auditory voice in my head speaking in sounds, clicks and slow wordings. The actual thoughts telepathically weren’t entirely in sync. I knew instantly from previous experience this was an Insectoid type of ET/Alien.

Having only a few experiences with them I know they have to SLOW DOWN to be understood in the astral with humanoids. I have to wonder what I missed with all the other sounds. Their languages are complex!!! I admire them in many ways.


That means Something Special.

The Question was about HOW I Astral Project using The Pan-Arcing of Light. Then a telepathic image was sent which looked like fluorescent green waves of light.

While in the auditory range which is epic for me in the astral, it (the question) was also described as HOW I get across the Light Waves so fast? Also, How do I access it in that way. It was pre-understood that I used the arcing waves.

I looked in that direction but mostly saw an ant-like feature as a shadow. Most of the warehouse was dimly lit remember. I explained I’ve been practicing my whole lifetime.

At that point I remembered I was supposed to make the display/demonstration about what is possible with practice. Thank you Ant/Insectoid ET.

Within a few moments… I generated energy even though I didn’t have to… intended a portal in the exact center of the warehouse… appeared there.

I looked around. Spread my arms knowing I’d already be misty… made it seem like I was looking at one of my arms while I rose back and up in a sweeping arc. I used a back flow of energy to help the intricate movement.

The rest were very fine movements and displays about movements in the astral. As for going faster… that is practice.

At the end of my Display I made a show of going slower and doing a kind of bow/curtsey down through a few dimensions of consciousness.

Once nobody was there, I rose up again and went for the stairs. Interestingly, Mr. McMillan reminded me from afar I’d forgotten something.

I was losing lucidity by then. I went back anyway. He handed me my “iPad.” He clearly knows me well enough. I thanked him. He was the host for the show/display after all.

Thank you Mr. McMillan.

After waking up I looked up,

“magnetic waves over light arcs in space” on Google.

The main link that came up was:

Anatomy of an Electromagnetic Wave.


Astral Projection Interlude - Part 1 - Just Getting Out.


Star Family Contact - Dagger Clan. Hydra Constellation.