Astral Projection Results Using The LOOKING BACK Technique.

This is a method I read about on Reddit where the person attempts to astral project by visualizing their astral energy body looking back at their physical body. I hadn’t ever tried it until last night because my own methods usually work great for me. This is also a method I don’t usually recommend because focusing on your physical body will usually keep you inside it.

As I felt I was falling asleep I began by using my usual techniques which include affirmations to remember and exit commands. They weren’t working. I’m still experiencing some jet lag; so, I figured that must be why. It’s getting better and should be gone in a few days but I really wanted to pop out last night for a bit.

I remembered reading about the Looking Back Technique on the r/AstralProjection subreddit. Unfortunately, I don’t remember who posted it. I decided since nothing else was working I’d go ahead and try it out before I fell asleep. It’s pretty similar to my target location method where I see myself outside. The main differences are that this one incorporates looking back at the physical body and doing it from a closer location while near the physical body.

I imagined my usual wispy astral body floating in my bedroom near my back right bedroom wall looking right at my physical body. I allowed that image to remain while I tried out using commands again. Right as I was about to think it wasn’t working I began to see some colorful hypnogogic images.

The first one appeared behind my right eye but didn’t fill in behind my left which was weird. It was a neon blue and purple image of the lake which is my outdoor target locale. Then it disappeared and another partial image appeared behind my left eye but not my right. Then the neon lake image flashed back to behind my right eye and disappeared entirely.

Again, I tried my usual commands like, “FLOAT, FLY and OUT ALREADY!” Again, they failed. Usually by this stage I am long gone far away from my physical body; so, I decided to press on. I attempted to ROLL OUT. This is another one I’m not fond of because I sometimes move my physical body. I’ve even rolled it out sometimes when my astral body felt super physical.

The result was a partial roll out with one of my hands touching the floor. I felt super sleepy and everything was blurry. Everything felt physical and my hand looked normal. I figured there was about a  90% chance I was astral projecting but I decided to roll myself back into bed in case I was wrong. That’s how much I really dislike accidentally rolling my physical body out of bed.

As soon as I rolled back into bed I had wonderful warm tingly sensations. They’re the same ones I get sometimes when I’ve been out astral projecting and then return. These were especially nice vibes; so, I just rested inside my physical body and enjoyed the warm tingles and buzzing until I fell asleep.

I’m ruling the Looking Back Technique a total success since it triggered the cool neon hypnagogia and stopped me from just falling asleep without exiting. (Just remember not to look back once you actually exit the physical body or you’ll likely get pulled back inside it.)


Some SuperMoon Astral Projections!