Some SuperMoon Astral Projections!

Visiting my Cat, Cyberpunk Mall Portal and Submarine Shift to London.

As I was falling back asleep around 3am I felt some minor shaking from the vibrational stage. I immediately told myself to remember to remember but I still fell asleep. Even though I’m still pretty jet lagged I figured I’d try to astral project anyway. After all there was a super moon with an eclipse.

I mainly only remember fragments but these are the ones I remembered to remember. :-)

  1. I was visiting with someone who was taking care of my passed on cat. I visited and pet my cat for awhile. She also introduced me to her bunny rabbit and let me pet it for awhile as well. I feel I know this woman from other astral adventures but I cannot recall the details regarding how I know her. My cat and her bunny were both very content; so, I’m very grateful to her.

  2. In another I was in a city with grey concrete buildings with two men. I had helped them out with something but I don’t remember what. One handed me two futuristic looking gift cards to say thanks for the help. One was to a specialized upscale store in a mall; so, I took a closer look at it. A large portal along with a picture of it appeared in the air.

    There was a futuristic city that looked mainly purple and gold with a strong cyberpunk vibe. Inside the left part of the portal picture a rectangular section of one of the skyscrapers began to glow brighter. Some words filled in. They said “INDIANA CENTRAL” in bright golden, glowing, capitalized block letters. I didn’t go on through to it since I could feel I was going to wake up.

  3. As I fell back asleep sometime after 4:30am I intended to visit the moon but I didn’t make it that far. I was helping out as part of security for a marathon sports team. They offered me a burger or something. When I turned down the burger they asked what I liked and I told them fruits and vegetables. They had some dried seaweed and water with which they made a special energizing tea for me. I could barely taste it but I definitely felt lighter after drinking it. 

    Then they shifted me over to where the team was training. It was by an ocean on a beach at night. It felt great to run along with them especially after that seaweed tea. There was some trouble towards the back of the huge group when someone  began shooting. I was told to run them up a long sandbar to a boat that had a secret submarine attached to it on the other side. Once I got them all in there another person with their security team shifted us all directly into a streetcar somewhere in London.

    I never entered the sub but I was holding onto the outside of it when it shifted. I mainly just saw a golden yellow blur. Nobody followed; so, their submarine shifting plan worked out well. I was told my job was done; so, I wandered around London before I woke up. The streets looked empty. I spent a lot of that time trying to remember all the events I could from the entire evening.


Astral Projection Results Using The LOOKING BACK Technique.


Some Astral Projections while Jet Lagged