Astral Projection to the Moon!

Finally I made it back to the moon after many years of trying on and off. I had a terrible night’s sleep last night due to the heatwave and my a/c not doing enough. I woke up at least 5 or 6 times.

During one of them I took note of the time. It was 3:34am. I looked out the bedroom window to see the moon high up in the sky. It had a yellowish tone to it and it looked fairly close. I know it’s not really but I thought about thinking of it that way to try and get there while I tried to fall asleep again.

When I got back in bed I told myself. It’s right there!!! “At least try and get to the dark side if only for a few minutes.” I knew I wouldn’t have much energy for a long astral projection. When I have more energy I tend to overshoot our moon entirely; so, I never actually get to visit it very much.

When I woke up again I was astral projecting in a small room with three people. One was a Tibetan Khempo doing a golden meditation of some kind. The other two in the room were women that knew him. They told me he was a Khempo and asked me not to disturb him. Then they had all kinds of other questions for me!

They asked HOW I got to The Dark Side of the moon. I explained I’d been trying on and off for awhile. The moon was “just right there” this time. They asked why I was so hot and if I needed medical help. I had to explain I was alright and that there was a heatwave. Plus, I was having hot flashes.

They asked which “tribe” I practiced with. I was trying to find the words, “Dzogchen or Nyingma,” but I wasn’t fully lucid yet and was still pretty sluggish. One of them found the word, “Ngondro,” in my mind after I gave her permission to look around. Then I had to explain how I used to have a Khempo too but he passed on and I hadn’t been practicing like I used to.

They asked about practices I remembered. In my semi-lucid haze I remembered Vajrasattva, Green Tara, a Blue One (Vajrakilaya) and The Pink One (a Yeshe practice.) They explained they like to hide out on the moon in a pocket dimension and how I’d just kind of phased in there. They figured it made sense since I’d practiced some Tibetan Buddhism practices.

One of them told me their Khempo was practicing Manjushri and The Yak Practice where you train the mind alongside the Great Yak. I wasn’t sure what that meant; so, the other one chimed in about it being a Yamantaka practice. I haven’t done these much; although, I always meant to do more Manjushri. Their Khempo sometimes looked like a golden statue with golden energy running through his energy channels.

One of the nice ladies offered me a homemade veggie pakora with lettuce, herbs and yogurt inside it. The other offered me a pastry that looked like it had ground beef cooked inside it. She explained it was a Yak meat pie. I decided to try the Yak meat pie since I’ve never had Yak meat before. I couldn’t taste much but there was a slightly sweet aftertaste that kind of lingered.

I felt much better after eating that; so, they invited me to go shopping on the moon instead of staying in the pocket dimension. One opened a door in the pocket space with what looked like a piece of chalk.  We all phased through it at once.

There was a very tall rectangular building gleaming in the dark with nothing else around it. As we got closer it got brighter and more colorful. All the shops were situated along the outside of it except for a few. One of the ladies told me to, “Come in here!,” with her. I followed her through a small archway.

We flew up inside the area for a great distance. Perhaps 3-5 miles? There were special clothes up in the shop she was showing me along with golden bars with special symbols on them. She wanted to make sure I picked up a few of the special bars.

Overall, it was a very busy astral shopping area. There were thousands of people and beings in this area flying up and down all along the shops. I woke up in the physical not long after I bought a few of the golden bars with the symbols. I wish I had thought to ask their names or at least their Khempo’s name.

I Googled, “Tibetan Yak Meat Pies,” and found out they are called, “Shapales.” Here is a link:सयाफाले/

I also found this cool Vegetable Pakora link:

Here are some BASIC INSTRUCTIONS from Thubten Chodron. You’ll need to skim down for the visualization:

Manjushri Mantra Benefits and Meaning from

Just for fun here is a Deva Premal and Gyuto Monks of Tibet YouTube link for practicing Manjushri. I’ll be reciting some Manjushri today. It only seems right after getting to see a Khempo practice it on the moon. Happy Astral Travels.


The Astral Hugger!


Hanging Glacier Falls, an ET and a Hurricane.