Hanging Glacier Falls, an ET and a Hurricane.

I was talking with some people in a lodge in Chile. One had black hair and tan skin. He was sharing how he had been depressed about working so hard lately. I was sympathetic. One of the men who were lucid told me I was in Chile and had planned to stay a week. I asked how long I’d been there and was told the equivalent of two of their days so far. It was fairly dark in the lodge and I couldn’t see very well. I decided to take a look outside.

It looked like late afternoon. The lodge had a shiny and wooden structure. I rose up in the air and saw that there were some normal looking houses on small hills dotted around the landscape. It was all very quiet; so, I decided to fly around and explore more. That’s when I saw a large white ship had pulled in along a dock on the shore.

When I flew over to the ship someone asked if I was sure I wanted to leave the area because I’d reserved more time in Chile. This man had curly brown hair and was wearing a blue and red striped t-shirt. I told him I was sure two days was enough. He said he had enough passengers to leave early if I was sure.

On our way out he reminded everyone to float or hover along the ship and take one last look at Chile as we pulled away. There was an incredible, huge waterfall with multiple levels. The top part looked like it was moving in slow motion compared to the bottom part. It was so high it seemed to just be hanging in the air. Others were commenting on it.

Then an ET came up to me and gave me a hug. He said it’s called, The Hanging Falls. He seemed to know me and he did feel familiar. His eyes were a shiny, dark green like malachite. His skin was whiter than paper. He had shiny, black hair that seemed very flat against his head. He was wearing a bright green shirt with no design on it. His astral form was humanoid but I could feel he definitely was not from this planet. We didn’t chat for long as he had to go somewhere else.

When I woke up I immediately looked up Hanging Waterfall in Chile and found, “Hanging Glacier Falls, right away. It looks like what I saw except the top part is a glacier. I often intend to travel a bit in the future to help get more time in the astral. It must have worked.

My green ET friend was nowhere in sight and most on the ship were not very lucid. I decided to leave the ship and just zoom over the ocean for awhile on my own. The captain warned me there were magnetic forces outside. I thanked him and left anyway.

Once I was out over the ocean I head about 5 people telepathing loudly for help. They were in thick winter coats hovering around a small hurricane that had popped up. I thought that must be what the captain had warned me about. They said one of their friends fell in the eye of it and couldn’t quite get out except for her arm sometimes.

I hovered over the eye and grabbed her hand as soon as I saw it. At the same time I lifted myself higher up in the air. I pulled a bit too hard and she was sent flying up way over us all. She did some fancy looking rolls to come back down. Some of them were talking about it maybe making a great television scene. They all avoided the center eye of it. They were just hanging out chatting about potential exciting action scenes involving hurricanes. I woke up. I don’t know of any tv shows about hurricanes. Perhaps someone will make one.

Hanging Glacier Falls on Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cascada_de_Ventisquero_Colgante

Amazing YouTube footage of the Hanging Falls in the moonlight begins about 8 minutes in towards the end of the video.

Queulat National Park and The Hanging Glaciers of Chile - Travel Vlog


Astral Projection to the Moon!


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