Some Astral Projections while Jet Lagged

Unfortunately, I’m still a bit jet lagged. Nevertheless, I remember a few APs from last night. By the time I’m done being jet lagged it will be time for me to go home.

During one I was at a fun concert talking to a nice man that said he needed help and wanted to show me something. This happens fairly regularly. Sometimes these troubled spirits just need to be heard. His is an especially sad story. Without going into too many details he had a lot of mental problems when he was alive and he’s still getting used to being free of them now. He has a lot of musical talent and has been helping to organize these astral concerts. He has an iconic poster of Betty Boop; so, I guess I’ll think of him as my new Betty Boop friend.

In another AP I was on a jet. The interior was completely metallic. It had many many electrical sockets and plugs. The passenger seat was also completely metallic with no cushions. There was just a small rectangular area to float in. As far as I could tell I was the only one in the entire jet. This time I remembered to try and look out! That proved problematic as there were no windows!

I commanded for panoramic 360 vision since that has helped me see through walls before and that worked. Yay! The jet was glowing white and at least a city block or two long. It was just driving around the city instead of flying. The gigantic wings were just phasing through the skyscrapers without causing damage.

We made a few turns. Once we came to a longer street the jet suddenly sped up and took off. The speed was incredible. Everything began to blur and go what felt like supersonic once we were only about 5 or 6 feet off the ground. It felt incredible to be moving that fast while I didn’t have to do anything.

What a ride!!!


Some SuperMoon Astral Projections!


Jet Lag, Astral Projection and Red Tara Practice