6 Astral Projections including The Land of Surprises!

It was a busy night with many short Astral Projections. I had a difficult time falling asleep again; so, I decided to Astral Project earlier in the evening than usual. There were melting sensations, some light spinning and mild nausea before everything went dark.

I will try and add links later since this is so long.

To Sum Up…

  1. Party for Brittany.

  2. Rolling Out.

  3. The Starry Sky.

  4. Answering an Astral SOS.

  5. India Yay!

  6. The Land of Surprises!


In my first Astral Projection I appeared in a large room crowded with people at a party. Many were thinking and telepathing about how a SuperStar named Brittany would appear soon. I noticed I was wearing a Bright Blue silky dress.

There was a man with short, tan hair standing next to me wearing a tan suit only he had shorts on instead of pants. He told me he would be at the bar if I wanted to meet up later. I woke up a few minutes later. I never got to see Brittany.


I don’t usually roll out. This time I became aware I was Astral Projecting because I had autonomously rolled out, went rolling all the way across my bedroom at a great speed and slammed my astral body into the dresser.

It didn’t hurt but I made a nice bounce off of it which got me halfway back across the bedroom! I phased through my bedroom window with no problem and went flying off into the night.

The problem was I still couldn’t see. “Clarity NOW” and “Lights ON” commands were NOT working at all. I continued to fly blind in the evening sky until I got pulled back to my body about 5 minutes later.

I was beginning to catch on that this was probably going to be a busy night full of short Astral Projections. This happens to me every once in awhile. I haven’t ever figured out why.


As I turned over and fell back asleep I tried increasing and stabilizing my vibration by humming, “The Mummers’ Dance” and “Marco Polo,” by Loreena McKennitt. I autonomously shot out of my body without rolling and skyrocketed right through my bedroom wall directly to one of my target locations in the air outside. It was dark out but I could see this time.

When I looked up I could see the Orion Constellation. I tried to rise up higher in the air which didn’t work. Then I tried to think about the Orion Nebulae pulling me towards it but that didn’t work either. I just hung there in the air laughing for a few minutes before I got pulled back again.


As I fell back asleep again I did a few Eck mantras instead of humming more songs. I hoped I’d just sleep but no. Before long my astral body autonomously skyrocketed me at lightning speed out into paved road through the woods. I got lucid enough to control it and slowed myself down; so, I could have a better look around.

There were stars in the sky but I couldn’t tell which constellations. The woods had a beautiful dark green glow about them. They were surreal and peaceful. I wondered why I had autonomously popped out way out there.

Eventually I came across a beat up old house on the right side of the road. It had a pale yellow glow to it and a sign that said, “HELP,” in the window. It didn’t look like an emergency but I decided to investigate.

When I entered the scene was very odd looking to say the very least. There were messy boards full of sawdust laying around. Whatever happened here happened long ago. Then I saw two heads popping out of the sawdust way against the back wall.

One was of a mostly bald man in his 60s to 70s and the other was a woman with white wavy hair in her 50s to 60s. I’ve seen people in the astral present as just their heads before in the astral but it isn’t very common.

I floated over to them, introduced myself and told them I saw the HELP sign in the window. They looked at each other not sure what to say to me. They may have been talking amongst themselves. I can’t always hear well in the astral. I drifted a bit closer and leaned down to see if I could hear them a little better.

I asked them if they had passed on and it was ok to say if they had. Then I told them I’m alive and happening to be astral projecting. I told them being alive meant I had a physical body asleep not too far away etc. I thought if I told them more about me they might tell me what happened or how I could help.

Then the most interesting thing happened. They both looked super relieved that they’d been found. I think that’s all they wanted. The woman shape-shifted into a grey tabby cat and the man shifted into a small, fluffy white dog. They both ran towards me all excited to get pets.

So, I loved on them a ton, gave them both lots of pets and a bit of Reiki but they didn’t seem to need or want the energy. They were super excited to be done waiting to be found. I think they were somebody’s pets that had wanted someone to find them and their owners.

They both ran off outside to play and then I got pulled back to my body before I could continue on down the road very far. I have no idea if they are alive and well somewhere or if they also passed on with their owners. Anyway, they’re now super happy their “waiting” is over.


When I became lucid I was hovering along the ground in a small, colorful village in a dry area of India. I recognized the Himalayas right away in the distance. I was having some trouble rising up in the air to fly over to the Himalayas.

I floated along by five or six super tall statues that were dressed in flowing robes. They seemed to come alive as I rose higher and higher in the air. Now that I’m thinking back on it perhaps they had some magnetic quality that was also assisting my flight.

Once I was flying high I paused to do a 360 degree view of the entire area to make sure there wasn’t anything else worth checking out. There didn’t seem to be much going on. Nobody was around to talk to. Then I got pulled back to my body before I could continue on to the Himalayas.

I’d had a backup plan to try for Mt. Shasta if the Himalayas didn’t work out. I never made it to either place but those Statues were fantastic! I’ve seen statues move before in the astral but these were multidimensional in their own unique way with various flowing rainbow colors and patterns. I think they must have given me the flight boost.


This was also a short experience which happened sometime between 5am and 7am. I phased into a very grey area near an ocean. It looked like an area where a lot of construction had been going on but everything was very still and quiet in that moment.

Most things were made of a metallic silver substance. I looked down and even the surface I was slightly hovering over appeared to be a silvery metallic color.

There was a man with wavy blonde hair about ten feet away from me inspecting the outside of one of the buildings. I thought about going over to try and chat with him but then I thought better of it because I looked up in the sky. It was all cast in the same shiny, metallic grey except for a gigantic, full moon in the sky!

I got so excited about the moon I forgot about the man. I’ve been making intentions to visit our own moon more often. I couldn’t tell if it was ours from here on Earth and just looking gigantic due to it being in an astral dimension or if it was a gigantic moon from another planet. I wondered how far I’d really been able to get after India?!

Quickly I made my decision to try and reach that enormous moon before I got pulled back yet again! Well, I rose up and quickly got pulled back to the metallic surface. I tried phasing. I tried thinking of myself as a slingshot. I tried stretching myself up towards it. Stretching like a rubber band used to work for me and still does sometimes. Thank you to Robert Bruce’s book for that technique!

That rubber band technique did trigger something! The moon began to move towards me. It got a little smaller and arrived as a giant white balloon with moon decorations in my astral hands! It felt a little bit like a puffy, plastic bag.

At that I was feeling perplexed. I thought for sure I was Astral Projecting but maybe it had switched to a lucid dream. I did an environmental test but nothing changed. Then I noticed the blonde haired man coming towards me. Before he could say anything I asked him what was going on and that I thought I had been Astral Projecting but I might be wrong.

He confirmed I was indeed Astral Projecting and that this was a “Construct” he was designing in the astral. I felt relieved to know about that because I usually know when I’m Astral Projecting versus just dreaming.

He then looked excited, began smiling and suggested I open up the giant moon bag. I asked if he was sure and that we could put it back in the sky but he really wanted me to open it up. I wondered if I should phase into it or try and pop it open. I didn’t hear a sound but I felt it go, “POP!”

A beautifully wrapped package of sparkling silver Moon Cake candies appeared in my hands. The package was rectangular with a shiny silver bow and silver sparkles. There were pictures of different covered moon cakes with various frostings on the box as well.

He was very excited to explain that this was, “The Land of Surprises.” One of the biggest  surprises are the Mooncakes actually being INSIDE the moon! I told him I was certainly surprised about it not actually being a moon.

He was absolutely delighted! I think his name was Sam but I’m not sure anymore. He told me he has many smaller surprises hidden all around his construct including inside the buildings. He said I can tell others and everyone is invited.

To go Just make an intention to go to, “The Land of Surprises.” There is a lot more there but I didn’t get to explore more because I woke up. At least I found one of the biggest surprises!

I looked up Moon Cakes on Google. There are many, many recipes and places that sell them. I didn’t know they even existed. This article on Today dot com says they are a Chinese mid-Autumn festival treat. The festival is often observed around the 15th of August, September or October and the moon cakes are eaten when the moon is at it’s fullest and brightest!

I had no idea!!! This is something new I’ve learned about due to Astral Projecting.



Hobgoblin Brownie Village and Meeting an Exquisite Butterfly Faery!


Astral Projection to Futuristic Gaming Center. MONASTA IS COMING!