Astral Projection to Futuristic Gaming Center. MONASTA IS COMING!

This Astral Projection wasn’t very long but it was fantastic fun! When I became lucid I was already Astral Projecting. I was hovering in front of a larger than life 1980’s style video game machine. I saw a gigantic transformer style robot to my right.

There were various options I could choose on the giant machine for the game. I couldn’t make out most of the letters or options but I chose effortlessly. I knew I’d been there before. I knew which buttons to press by instinct.

I chose one that meant I’d use a futuristic air gun. It’s like a paint gun only it puffs out small amount of energy. It would be my own but I had plenty to spare. Then I chose a second option which allowed multiple robots if I was fast enough.

The main object of the game was to light up certain areas of the gigantic robot by flying around and touching particular buttons on it at particular angles WHILE flying at various speeds. It’s a game of coordination, speed and agility. I deposited some of my energy into the machine, touched a large golden button and the game began.

The giant robot began to move around me at fantastic speeds while I made arches in the air trying to reach all the correct areas of the target buttons. I had to anticipate and calculate curvatures I never can while awake. I was getting a pretty nice astral workout when the second robot appeared. I had scored high enough to allow the second one to pop up and didn’t even know it as I was busy finishing up curving around the first one.

Then a group of people came running into the room I was in telepathing, “EVACUATE.” This was definitely not a part of the game I was playing. I wondered if some people may have gotten confused or if there was some real issue.

I decided to ask a man with curly dark brown hair in a white jumpsuit about what triggered the “EVACUATION.” He said, “MONASTA IS COMING!!!” Our brains translate; so, I wondered if he spoke a different language. I asked for clarification. He showed me a slimy yet kind of cute green monster with tentacles.

At that point I figured someone got carried away with whatever their game was and may have inadvertently manifested a mild mental version of this “MONASTA.” The man I was telepathing with was not very lucid at all. He wanted to run out the door way in the back of the room. I probably should have let him.

Instead, I told him about a room in the basement I remembered from being in this astral game center before. He agreed to go there. I told him, “MONASTA doesn’t know about it and isn’t looking for us anyway since he didn’t create her or even play that game. It’s best to just stay out of the way.” I was hoping this would all pass quickly and I could get on with my own game.

The secret basement room was just a dusty broom closet with brooms and a few rags. It had light but I convinced him we should turn it off after we closed the door. He didn’t like being in total darkness much but he didn’t seem to mind much either once he got used to it. I reassured him I’d deal with this MONASTA if she came for us even though I was sure she wouldn’t.

We sat there for about ten minutes. I asked him what else he knew about this MONASTA game character. He thought it was a game being developed from Japan about a monster that also had some kind of wordplay involved like scrabble. He didn’t seem very certain about it. The letters might have swamp themed designs.

Also, I found out he had been trying to play a space game hence the jumpsuit. He likes parachuting even though his outfit didn’t have a parachute. I never did get his name but I had the feeling he likes Metroidvania types of games as well. He mentioned having family. He’s fond of his “Big Brother” but I think they are both in their 20’s to 30’s. Either that or he’s military and the military is his family. I didn’t press for details. I got a New Jersey vibe from him but he never said he was actually from Jersey.

I had fantastic fun while it lasted and then I got to know a possible Jersey guy into parachuting and/or Metroidvania games.  I haven’t heard about a MONASTA game yet but if I do, I’ll be sure to play it.

PS: Also, I saw someone racing a car around the outside of the room before we went into the basement. Whoever it was created a tunnel right through the wall while thinking about avoiding MONASTA.


6 Astral Projections including The Land of Surprises!
