My first AP happened early in the evening as I was first falling asleep. I felt a very odd sense of nausea followed by a melting sensation. I surrendered to it and tried to relax into it rather than fighting it. It’s definitely not one of my favorite ways to AP.

I didn’t melt out of my feet as usual during a melting AP. Instead I kind of phased through the nausea, saw a few colors swirled around like finger paints, phased through those and found myself in a preschool or kindergarten classroom.

There weren’t any children in there but there was a woman with white hair tied back, wearing a blouse with buttons and a light brown skirt with a pattern on it. She looked relieved someone had shown up but gave no indication of knowing me at all. This didn’t seem to matter to her at all.

She had an urgent message. She drifted over to me, put her arm around me then gave us both a gentle push towards the floor. She wanted to make full astral body contact to make sure I could hear her because she could tell I hadn’t been hearing her. Proximity helps me to hear better in the astral so this was fine by me.

She fully covered my astral form with hers on the floor and reached up towards my right ear. I could tell she wasn’t very good at telepathy AT ALL and was going to try to vocalize instead. The first part of her message was a little ambiguous so it took me a few minutes to figure it out.

The first thing she said was that she was, “no sugaring daddy but a sugaring MOMMA!” I asked for some clarification because it sounded a little like she was making a pass at me even though the energy was all wrong for that. She showed me a picture of maple trees and the sap running from them.

Out here in the northeast, USA where I live we have plenty of places around fondly referred to as “Sugar Shacks” and “Sugar Houses.” They are really all about the Maple Syrup. So, I figured she was trying to tell me she lives near a Maple Sugar House, Farm, Shack or Restaurant etc.

Then she leaned in close again and said, “I WANT TO TAKE BETTER CARE OF MY DAUGHTER!” Then she went on about how worried she was about her daughter for about what felt like ten minutes. She seemed like an intelligent working woman. They’d already been to a doctor.

She asked what I could do or suggest. I told her I’d have to give it some thought. Even though she was going on and on she never said WHAT was specifically wrong with her daughter.

She was mainly worried about being the best MOM she could possibly be. At the time I was thinking she was possibly just having some anxiety. I gave her some peaceful vibes and Reiki.

I tried to impart a sense of calmness while she was telling me it’s Not Just Anxiety. Something was REALLY GOING ON with her daughter. This made me wonder if the doctor they went to didn’t listen enough to her.

I BELIEVED HER but I woke up before I could get more details. For today I’ve sending positive vibes, white light and Reiki to this MAPLE SUGARING MOMMA and her daughter today.


I couldn’t make this up if I tried and I’m shedding a few tears about it now as I type. So while WIDE AWAKE PHYSICALLY and out doing some shopping…

This much older man in his 80s to 90s got in line to check out behind me and smiled. I smiled back politely. I turned to get back to paying for my groceries because it seemed like the thing to do.

He said, “Now Wait. I Have Something to Say.” There was something about the way he said that which was so Matter of Fact. That ALONE was IMPACTFUL and LOADED WITH ENERGY.

I looked over at him and he said to me, “You have the FACE of an ANGEL and I have my BLINDERS on.” I only said thank you and smiled again. I was hot, tired from not sleeping well last night, feeling the weird energy going on and perhaps not paying enough attention myself.

(In all of a few seconds my mind wandered a bit. I remembered doing doing a METATRON meditation yesterday. I hadn’t yet realized it was more of a MATRIX MOMENT. I just wondered if he’d subconsciously picked up on my Metatron Angel Meditation. I have to admit this man threw me off balance a bit. Most people where I live don’t even notice me let alone tell me I have the face of an ANGEL?!)

Now, let’s think about that as Part 1 of Today’s Matrix Moment.

Here is Part 2.

He KNEW he surprised me even though he’d been ALL MATTER OF FACT and GENTLE ABOUT IT. HE KNEW IT! I realize this now but at the time I was still a bit stunned. He also KNEW JUST WHAT TO DO JUST LIKE IN AN ASTRAL PROJECTION.

He turned to the man who was busy ringing up my groceries AND said to him (for my benefit I’m sure,) “Do you REALIZE what I just did there?”

He said the word REALIZE like a MASTER HYPNOTIST might. Again, this is about the WAY he was saying things.

The man behind the counter said, “no.” in his usual polite, offish way. I’ve shopped there before and I know him a bit. Not well but enough to know his offish tone of voice. I think he DID hear it all. His reaction meant he didn’t think think this man was worth paying much attention to I guess.

The man in line behind me then told him how he’d just given me a “COMPLIMENT.” The man behind the counter SMILED a little about that. I turned to the man behind me.

Unfortunately, all I could think of to say to him was… “Well, that’s the ONLY COMPLIMENT I’ve had today. Thank you Sweetie.” I wanted him to know that I had HEARD him and what he said.

While saying Thank you Sweetie… I gave him 2-3 super light pats on the shoulder to show I’d “gotten the hypnotic message” if there was one. Real “Mentalists” also use touch or the inspired sensation of one somehow. I’m no expert but I’ve read up on their methods.

Also, I never use the word “sweetie” with strangers or even friends most of the time. It just kind of came out. Since he was being hypnotic/mentalist etc…

I felt like I was just trying to keep up. It was still dawning on me this might be A REAL MATRIX MOMENT of sorts POSSIBLY!

I figured my feather light shoulder pats would end the experience whether he used to be a mentalist or hypnotist or not. Also, I wanted to thank him. Most people don’t talk about it but dislike not having enough physical touch. I’d have given him a full on hug but that didn’t seem appropriate.

Time for PART THREE!

I was on my way out the convenience store door with my groceries when I looked back. He said, “You’re a MOM!” I didn’t know what to do so I just nodded that I’d HEARD HIM and left.

He must have tuned into my experience with the Sugaring MOMMA perhaps? I don’t know. This WHOLE DAY  has been weird and incredible at the same time. I’m not a mother myself; so, I don’t think it’s about me. I do some Goddess meditations. Last night I did Quan Yin in addition to the Metatron meditations.



GET ANOTHER DOCTOR’s OPINION about your daughter. There is no harm in getting a different opinion.


The Matrix/Universe must really be looking out for this woman!


Astral Projection to Futuristic Gaming Center. MONASTA IS COMING!


The Astral Hugger!