Lipstick and Lemons!

Lipstick and Lemons!

Last night I found myself lucid at another astral mall; however, it was spread out through a forest of green and twilight. That’s how the light was. I’m not sure how else to describe it. There were various log cabins spread around in an ovular pattern along with a forest path that led one to each one.

I first became lucid while investigating one that only turned out to be a grocery store. Yes it was larger on the inside than the outside! Haha! Well, I found out the only exit was back out to the forest path. I don’t remember if I bought anything. Thinking back perhaps I bought the lemons there. The memory is gone though; so, I can’t be certain.

Someone on the path whizzed by me but telepathed about the community building up ahead. I have the feeling and inner knowing of having been there but those memories are now gone as well. I remember navigating the path carefully since I didn’t want to go on the main path and used the slower trail to the right of it instead.

I was flying but not very high… more like hovering and trying to run at the same time I suppose. I didn’t want to get in the way of others going faster. I had used my 360 vision to see all the various lodge buildings in that oval pattern.

My next memory while in that area was being in a larger residential lodge that was part of that collective. My CAT was there; so, I pet and loved on her for a long while. It’s always so nice to see her. I doubt anyone will ever understand my deep spiritual bond with that cat.

My late husband noticed it and would tease me about loving her more than him even though it wasn’t true. They were different kinds of love. I still sometimes cry when I wake up if I’ve seen either of them in the astral. I’m used to seeing them but both our spiritual bonds run deep. They are unique types of love in their own specific ways.

Someone else in the room reminded me that we were going to go to a Green Tara practice in the astral soon. I thought that was nice of whoever it was to remind me we were in the astral. I knew but reminders are great for memory retention. I took the opportunity to remind myself where I was - in the astral. I wondered why I was going to a Green Tara practice but I love Green Tara practice so I was all for it.

I wanted to make sure I’d at least be visible in meditation area so I checked out my appearance in a mirror. I was only barely visible. I could only see my lips which looked semi-decomposed, dry and cracked. I made the intention to become more visible and took out a lipstick.

Of course it was pink. The color pink has been predominant since I did the whole, Pink Sunglasses on Mars, to get enough attention to get help for an astral trip to Mars.

Now everything about my astral ident seems colored in shades of PINK!!!! Various beings have told me it’s rare to have gotten that chance. I’m not exactly a celebrity in the astral but word seems to be spreading that I got to go see Mars deep in the past.

Of course my lipstick turned up pink too. I accepted that. If I’m going to be seen… I should be using bright colors like pink. That’s what one does when WANTS to be seen.

Making myself more visible drained me a bit. I could feel it. I used panoramic vision to look around the room as my energy waned. I saw a kitchen counter with a plate that had one orange and one lemon. I chose the lemon.

I can no longer remember if I intended for it to be automatically sliced or if I sliced it somehow with a knife on the counter. My energy was pretty low by then. When I saw the slices on the plate I remember thinking about how juicy a lemon it must be as a large puddle of juice had dripped out onto the white plate.

I remember eating it all and relishing the juice. I tasted it but I no longer remember the taste. It was rich and succulent like a pineapple somehow. The quality of the flavor remains in my memory even though the actual flavor doesn’t.

I woke up of course.


The Glowing Chrysolite Necklace and Astral Reiki.


Busy Times at an Astral MallWorld Airport!