Busy Times at an Astral MallWorld Airport!

I found myself lucid in a large, crowded airport which I believe was in or along-side one of the many astral mall worlds. I was with a friend. I had a very large bag loaded beyond full. I wish I had looked inside it. I’d clearly been having some fun shopping in MallWorld xyz…  whichever one this one was! They must have had some great deals!

My friend suggested gently telepathically I put the bag down and look directly at the line of incoming travelers. It was super crowded and he wanted to make sure the people I was supposed to meet could find me. I LOOKED directly at the line as people came out one by one. He must have known I’m usually kind of  deaf in the astral unless I’m right next to someone.  I rely on my other honed senses way more most of the time.

The first one I recognized looked directly at me and telepathically shouted my real first name rather than “TheAstralTourist!” I was already pretty lucid thanks to my other friend but this got me more lucid. He was wearing I think a t-shirt and jeans and looked to be in his mid-20s if that. He did seem super familiar.

More people passed who definitely were not looking for me. Eventually a man in his 50s to 60s emerged who had a tidy grey pin-striped suit, grey hair and mustache. He looked directly at me and said my first name clear as bell just as the other one had! I could tell he had an empathic soul. There was sadness mixed with compassion in his energy. I wondered what I was there to help him out with.

They were headed to my right to where I knew there was a guest reception area. I headed that way to meet them there. I don’t remember more than that. I still wish I knew what was in my shopping bag! I’ve looked in my astral bags before and found such interesting items!!! The man in the grey suit haunts my memories a bit but in a good way. I hope I was able to help him.


Lipstick and Lemons!


Astral Projection Results Using The LOOKING BACK Technique.