I Spotted Mantis Aliens in NY and/or BULGARIA.

Hi there. So... I just returned from a trip I took to NYC. I'm empathic so that was a huge load and now a huge relief to be back home. I didn't try to AP but I often spontaneously AP anyway even while travelling. If I do it spontaneously I go with the flow if I'm basically just trying to R&R from the mental/spiritual load of travel. Even with psychic protection etc just empathically a city like NYC is a lot for me.

Anyway, all that to say one of the places I spontaneously AP'd to while there a few times was a giant astral movie theater. The movies were incredible!!!!! NYC in the astral is the place to be!!!!! I'll write ANOTHER blog post up in a few days but for now I'll talk about one movie I saw there AND the Mantis Aliens watching it.

This specific movie was about Doctor Who. Then it all switched to a lot of darker brownish golden colors. Buildings had rounded roofs. There was an alien background which isn't out of the ordinary for Dr. Who shows. THEN subtitles appeared at the bottom in an alien language. I somehow could make out a few words but not many. Something with R's really stood out to me. Maybe the name of a building? That got me more lucid fast. It resembled Chinese or Korean but it wasn't at all.

I said, Clarity Now, and began looking around the theater while I was getting more lucid. I commanded, "True Form," which for me means I'm telling my mind to show me things and beings as they are rather than in a familiar form.

I was surrounded by Mantis Alien Beings having a blast watching this Dr. Who movie or show. I tried to find out where I was in case I was on another planet. I was totally wondering how I had the energy to get to another planet if I had?! The only response I could make out was something and then Bulgaria. I'm not sure if that meant the setting of the movie/show was in Bulgaria or that the astral movie theater was. I haven't ever seen so many Mantis Beings in one place!!!!


Alien Aquarium in an Alien MallWorld