Alien Aquarium in an Alien MallWorld

Hello everyone. I am back blogging about my astral adventures again. I am no longer doing YouTube as I just don’t have the time. I’m still working on my astral adventure books. One day I will get them published. I lead a busy life with work and travel ON TOP of my astral travel adventures. Thanks so much to those still hanging in there.

So… I was reading about an Astral Mall adventure this morning on the r/TheMallWorld subreddit. It reminded me I had an Astral Mall adventure myself two nights ago. Since I didn’t write it down I probably would have forgotten it by tomorrow. I think I only remembered because it was just super interesting and on an alien world or at least an alien dimension. So, THANK YOU u/JungleEnthusiast64 for the inspiration. The JungleEnthusiast’s Aquarium Mall Adventure is Here. It is pretty cool!

Moving on to my own adventure…

There was more of a desert theme than a calm theme in my astral experience. When I became lucid I was outside a larger gigantic mall building. Outside the building there were stalls set up with fish tanks. There was definitely a flea market vibe going on. I bought a small silvery fish at one of them that looked pretty ordinary. It was able to breathe just fine even though I was carrying it in my hand. I didn’t like that they didn’t give me a container or water for it. I decided to find it a different tank instead of keeping it.

There were odd looking flower creatures floating around in the air. The sky was more white than blue. I wondered if I might be in an Elliptical Galaxy. (Many planets I’ve found in the Astral AND in Elliptical Galaxies tend to have whitish, peachish or pinkish skies rather than blue ones.) If someone walked into one of the small alien flower creatures it would explode with a huge puff of air that had the force of an explosion.

That peaked my awareness level even more. I knew for sure I was visiting an alien world. When I went in the gigantic mall building someone else walked into one of the alien flower puffs before I was able to close the door! The explosion pushed me at least a few miles through the mall. I noticed a large aquarium shop as I zoomed along. I landed on a shiny grey floor in front of a beverage counter. The man with wavy black hair behind the counter asked if I needed help but I refused since I knew I wanted to visit the aquarium shop. Now I kind of wish I’d also seen what he had to offer.

I floated my way back to the Aquarium Shop and put my cute little silver fish in a large tank that only had one goldfish in it. They got along fine and ignored each other so I went to have a look around. Some tanks just had regular fish and others had very alien looking ones. There were Fins and Colors Everywhere OH MY!!!! This place was a Fish Filled Wonderland with giant tanks, smaller tanks and everything in-between.

One tank in particular had a small wrathful looking fish form like a Buddhist deity. It made a terrible face and SCREAMED at the man who was in front of the tank. I went over there in a flash. The man looked human or humanoid. I don’t remember the specifics. I telepathed to him NOT TO BOTHER THE AGGRESSIVE FISH. I figured maybe it was like an aggressive male Betta or something similar since it was in a tank by itself and had made that resounding scream!

Even though it totally looked like a mini deity I could feel and had a knowing it was a fish. My mind had translated the form so I would understand it was an aggressive variety. I wish I knew what it really looked like but that wasn’t as important as understanding what was happening so I could help that fish!!!

With some deep searching online I found a website with a deity that has the face! If you look at the Fudo mask it was the same as far as the curls and shape of the head. I don't remember seeing any teeth though. As far as size it wasn't larger than a foot long in total and had a scaly tail, not legs at the bottom. I also found this picture of the Fudo deity.

The man left without any argument thank goodness. I calmed the aquatic being down by talking softly. I told it the mean man was gone. I sent it soothing vibes and told it what a unique and pretty fish being it was. I didn’t really know if it was pretty but it liked the soothing attention. I said I'd find the store owner and let them know what happened so that man couldn’t bother it again. I have no idea if it understood or if it just understood my soothing intentions. After a bit it wrinkled its FUDO face a little at me and went to a corner to curl up for a nap. It looked pretty stressed which made me sad.

I noticed on top of the various tanks there were dishes where people put tip money/currencies and some type of food that looked like fried eggs. I asked someone in the same isle looking peacefully in another tank and she said eggs are a popular donation there. She didn’t say which types of eggs they were. I felt an underlying message about the desert heat and some of their animals laying lots of eggs in the sand. I don’t know if she was talking about maybe turtle like creatures or something else. The clear message was that eggs were the easy to come by food there which made them popular offerings at the aquarium shop.

I remember finding the front counter but I don't remember if I ever found the owner of the shop. Interestingly enough, I had more astral projections last night. I had so many I don’t remember them very well. I do know I was moving between various time periods. At one point I was in another mall that looked like a 1980’s themed Earth mall. I was throwing sand in front of me to help me remember something. It makes me wonder if I went back to that world and I wanted to bring the memories with me through the use of the sand?!

I kept checking my phone which looked super futuristic. I noticed the signal kept changing. I have other blurry images where I was in the future then back in the 1980’s mall and some other places. My futuristic phone signal kept changing based on my time and dimension which I thought was pretty neat. In some dimensions the Home Screen had a photo of an anime mermaid. That only happened a few times in the more futuristic dimensions. I found this free photo on Pixabay that looks a lot like it.

I also have a few other memories about discussing various rocks and crystals with a man in an office in yet another mall. He gave me an opalescent lavender pearl necklace. When he put it around my neck he said it would help me remember. Then he tried to share telepathically more about who he was. He was definitely from Earth and showing me high grade amethyst crystals. I think he might be a crystal dealer. There were more adventures after that which I don’t recall.

Happy Astral Travels Everyone.


I Spotted Mantis Aliens in NY and/or BULGARIA.


Galactic ET Transfer and Spirit Guide Digby.