Galactic ET Transfer and Spirit Guide Digby.

Galactic ET Transfer

Last night I became lucid while I was escorting a very timid being in the form of a woman to an astral portal area. She was enormous like a round air balloon. What’s more she was attired in what looked like an 1880s type of gown only it had very colorful neon types of designs on it.

For someone so timid it looked quite FESTIVE! I could tell she wasn’t human right away. I wondered which galaxy we were in. She hardly had any mass at all despite her size; so, I figured she must be from a low gravity area. Her hair was a short, curly glowing golden orange color.

As I moved us through the crowds in the area she kept inching closer in and getting right behind me. Sometimes she was inching further into my energy field. I could FEEL a question about IF I minded the closeness even though I couldn’t hear the question. I just smiled and patted her arm to show it was ok. I noticed her arm was particularly slender and smooth. It wasn’t like a human arm at all but I had already surmised she wasn’t human.

This super busy area was familiar to me. Going on instinct I guided us over to one of the travel/transfer areas. There was a tall metallic stand with a 10-11 foot tall, thin lady standing next to it. She had long black hair and was dressed in a silver-grey jumpsuit.

She gazed up at my companion and down at me. This made me smile and think about how my super shy and timid companion could have possibly hid behind me in the crowd. I guessed the closeness she had asked about must have helped settle her worries about traveling and being in the crowd. I then remembered a mutual friend had previously arranged for me to help her out.

The lady at the transfer stand attempted telepathy with a smile but I couldn’t understand her. Then she made hand motions showing she wanted my companion to come out from behind me and go first since this transfer was for her. I turned towards her trying to explain she’d have to back out of my energy field and curve around me. That is what the transfer lady had depicted with her hand movements.

She was shy and nervous about coming out. Next the transfer lady tried various types of telepathic languages until I understood that she was asking about my “attachment” to this lady. I told her how I’m sure she’s wonderful, we’re new friends and I’d only just met her that evening to assist with travel.

As it turns out that isn’t what the transfer lady had meant at all. She pointed at my arm while still smiling and flashed me an image of a rounded square shaped tentacle-like insertion area. Then repeated the motions for my companion to make a curving motion around for the transfer over to her.

When I looked down at my right arm I only saw bright white light with silver/grey sparkles. Generally I try to blend in so that seemed to fit. There was no square-ish shape or other object etc. When I looked over to my left arm I saw what the transfer lady was talking about right away!

My travel companions arm looked more tentacle shaped  and she had it tucked inside my left astral arm in that curvy fashion the transfer lady had been describing. My companion managed to convey that, “it’s soft.” I looked up and gave her the gentlest look I could trying to show that I would make sure to be super gentle during the travel transfer.

The transfer lady came around to our left. She’d figured out more ways to communicate with me. She told me, “they don’t like to be separated for long.”  There was more about their social structure which I mostly didn’t comprehend as some still came across as sounds I didn’t know. At least I understood the main idea.

This would need to be a super soft, gentle transfer.  I gently released the tentacle from the insertion point by using the circular motion the transfer lady had shown me. She had her arm right next to mine; so, this all took at most a few seconds yet time stretched out. I sent her a lot of love and gentle thoughts. When I’d look up she’d be beaming light around looking content.

I could tell she was trying not to focus on the separation. Hopefully she was taking some time to observe where we were. I hadn’t had the opportunity to do that yet. Most of the separation process was about being gentle with the tentacle release.

The Transfer Lady eventually said she had her “all tucked in.” In the Transfer Lady’s energy body the tentacle looked elongated and stretched out inside her super long arm where in my energy arm it had looked smaller and in that curling shape. My job was done.

Even though I’d just met this lady through a fellow astral traveller, I felt really honored to help her out with this transfer. It felt important even though I can’t remember why.

Spirit Guide Digby

I remember wandering around and taking note about many people wearing greyish/silver/white outfits. Then I lost lucidity for awhile. Later I remember being in an Astral City working with two other people. One was a man and the other a woman. I don’t remember what we were doing there.

It was twilight and there was a wonderful dusky violet color in the city sky. Metallic skyscrapers rose up yet we hovered higher above them without getting on up in this particular planets atmosphere. This was definitely not Earth. I could feel it was a supergiant of a planet yet at the same time reminded me a bit of Neptune. I have no idea why. There was just something about how it felt to be there.

While I was relaxing up there with my two travel companions I heard a voice in my head. It said three sentences to me. I have since forgotten what the first two were but the third one I remember. It was a personal message from someone I know that has passed away.

The voice itself relaying the message sounded pretty weird. I could actually hear it unlike most things in the astral but it was very odd sounding. I asked who it was and the voice replied, “It’s Digby.” I also had a telepathic flash of a late 40s something man dressed in a long brown coat along with a Spirit Guide vibe. He seemed and felt familiar.

I asked for clarification. When I didn’t get any I immediately shut him out and created a psychic push plus a block. If the Push Back didn’t make it clear that he needed to back off… the Block would. The name Digby sounded familiar but I didn’t like that ODD feeling at all. The others asked me what was going on; so, I told them and relayed the telepathic images along with the name “Digby.”

One of them said, “With three clairvoyants here we can figure this out!” I thanked them for helping me because I didn’t really want to shut out a for real Spirit Guide. At the same time… random spirits don’t need to be distracting me. Sometimes I’m a little too open clairvoyantly; so, I’m careful about that now. I lost lucidity again while we put figuring out “Digby” on the back burner in order to enjoy that incredible dusky violet sky.

When I became aware again I was outside. It was evening. There was a small building to my left, a forested area and a river with various rocks in it. I wondered if I might be in the Colorado area but that river was pretty small for Colorado. Then I wondered if I was up in Canada again. I love wandering around the Canadian wilds. Canada seemed more likely even though I still hadn’t figured out which river I was likely looking at.

Sometimes I just wander around for fun in the astral. I figured that’s what I’d been doing. I realize it’s not exactly a spine tingling adventure to wander around in the dark at night in various forests but it really is very peaceful for the most part.

I was feeling super content and comfortable when I thought I glimpsed something in my astral peripheral vision. Since it was dark I had to feel around and ask for extra light. A dim light appeared over the river. There was a stony embankment behind it.

Something black and white flashed in the water. It came up and splashed back down. I drifted closer to that river. My first thought was that it might be a seal. Then it jumped out of the water again, turned over and looked a bit more like a very small whale with the whiskers of a beaver!

The thought I might be lucid dreaming occurred to me even though I knew I wasn’t. Beings in the astral plane don’t usually behave this way! Upon the next jump it turned into a full-blown whale even though I knew by then that something very odd was going on.

There is a Whale Crossing area in the astral in a near dimension not far from where I live but this was not it. Crowds of people come out to see them and it’s an epic event. This was just… feeling… “weird!”

Suddenly the one whale turned into many whales all jumping around. At that point I just observed because… the stony wall was still there making me feel like this was indeed on the astral plane. The building was still to my left. The vibe of the place felt more Canadian all the time. I think it was more my senses were heightening rather than the place changing at all. Astral areas are usually very static.

As these whales made their way down the river they began to propagate even more and pile on top of each other all leaping and jumping. They piled up along the wall and began shapeshifting into penguins! Then ALL the Penguins jumped into the river at once somehow all fitting and swimming inside it.

I know how this sounds. It’s not like I don’t know how this sounds. Lol. All I could think to say was, “Do it again!” Everything was so weird already I figured I needed a better look and more analysis. I heard an echo, “DO IT AGAIN!!!”

As the now Penguins piled up suddenly some looked like tall people dressed in black raincoats in a city walking down city roads. My first guess was possibly London, Sweden or somewhere in the UK. Possibly Australia.

Some of the people began piling up with the Penguins. It was super weird and strange. It actually made me think about the movie, Dr. Strange!!! I was like, “They’re being very strange like Dr. Strange!”

The more I thought about it the more I figured it might be dimensions melting and melding around and inside each other somehow. Sometimes dimensions meld together. I wondered if this was one of those times. At least I wasn’t really missing the Whale Crossing.

Suddenly the entire environment wasn’t gone really but a man with a cowboy hat was standing in front of me right in my face. I could actually feel the particles in my face tingling. There were sunlight particles and golden vibrations.

My first word to him was, “OH!” I recognized “Digby” immediately. I instantly apologized for “being rude earlier” with the whole psychic block thing. Communication happened super fast. Info was just downloading into my spirit way faster than telepathy. I relaxed. I don’t know why he comes off as having such a weird vibe sometimes but he does.

He made his cowboy face look a little tired while he reminded me about how he’s a non-corporeal being which includes other beings within it. He said, “We had to transverse 14 information streams just to catch up to you.” More of the info download was about how fast I am and how they can’t anticipate where I go; hence, lag time for individual “interfacing.”

I guess that explained the use of the face and face tingling this time. If I want “face time” with this  spirit guide I guess I need to slow down some and allow more space-time for that. Good to know.

“Digby” and/or “TheDigbyCollective” and I are good now. I remember working with him/them  before… just not all the details. I still don’t understand why he/they feel so weird and odd during the initial connection. Afterward it’s totally worth it.

It doesn’t sound like a lot from the astral face time experience itself but he/they gave me a ton of astral energy information. My energy body is still tingly from the energy downloads. Thank you Digby/Digby Collective!

The wording about the “14 Information Streams” totally made me think about Tom Campbell’s many sharings. I just received a ton of Digby style information. I wonder what Tom would think about this experience.


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