I became lucid while I was already astral projecting in a hallway. The walls were grey; however, the hallway was lined along the sides with grass, miniature gardens and a large tree bearing many golden round fruits. I decided to think of them as either golden apples or tomatoes. They certainly had a special shine to them.

As I inspected the grassy areas I saw various hamsters and guinea pigs running around. I figured they must be tame as none came at me like hungry ghosts will. They were content in the various grasses. I left them alone to themselves and simply floated along the hallway about 6-8 inches over them.

The central-most part of the hallway was not always covered in the grasses. It had a silvery or aluminum metallic shine. I noticed a silvery desk with a man in a whitish suit sitting at it. As I got closer it seemed to flash back and forth between a hazmat suit and an astronaut suit.

The man had dozed off but came to fairly quickly when I floated up to the desk and asked where I was. I did my best not to startle him. He told me I “had taught” in the classroom over there. He indicated a grey fuzzy area across the hall and up along it a few feet. I went to check it out.

It was already in disarray and decomposing. I guessed whichever astral class I taught must have been at least a half hour to an hour ago in astral time. When I floated back out of it and into the hallway I decided to fly up just a bit higher. By mistake I bounced/floated almost as high up as the ceiling.

I made an effort to navigate back to the desk area. I accidentally went too fast and brushed up against part of the golden fruit tree too speedily! 5-6 of the fruits came off. I was able to use my magnetism to attract them to me. A memory came back about them being for everyone using the building.

Using more care about my navigation I went much more slowly…. Too slowly. Eventually I drifted more downwards towards the grass and arrived back at the desk. I could see the man’s suit much more clearly now. The letters “MARSHAL” with one L were written vertically in capital letters all along one side of it. I was uncertain if that was his name or position.

I put the fruits I’d accidentally knocked off on his desk and apologized for disturbing the special Golden Tree. I could tell he was smiling even through the suit. He gathered them up and then produced an organic heirloom tomato from one of them. He handed it to me and said he “knew” I loved golden heirloom tomatoes. This is true!

By then he was feeling very familiar to me. The whole place felt familiar again as I gained more lucidity. I remembered teaching there but not what. I remembered he and I were good friends. He remembered I like golden tomatoes. I’m pretty sure the tree wasn’t a tomato tree but it didn’t really matter by then.

He asked me to tell my astral students “hello” from him. I promised to if I could remember. He said he’d help me remember. Then he asked me if I’m a “POSITIVE PERSON?” I then remembered that this is something HE DOES to remember. He is a living person somewhere astral projecting for sure. His tip and trick is a saying or various ones about being 100% POSITIVE.


Unfortunately, I don’t remember all the intricacies of it yet. I hope it comes back to me. My Memory Trick is, “Remember to Remember.” Combined they are, I’m 100% POSITIVE TO REMEMBER TO REMEMBER.” He’s quite a character with a big personality. Marshal loves to GO BIG! There is something to this. If you make something a BIG DEAL in your mind, you’ll be more likely to remember it for sure.

At some point I lost some lucidity again while I floated about the hallway. I remember a memory flash of Marshal guiding me down the hallway. Then it’s blank for awhile. The next time I had lucidity he and I were at a long rectangular metallic table along with various other people.

As my astral vision came into view again he had his elbow on the table and holding his head up with his arm to try and remain lucid. He was using the 100% POSITIVE as a mantra while we were holding hands. I was remembering MARSHAL IS 100% POSITIVE ALL THE TIME. I THINK we were making variations on it. I also make variations on my own, “Remember to Remember.”

Most of the others I could see at the table had nodded off or were just zoning out. They didn’t want to wake up yet either. Most were doing what they could to stay. One woman with dirty brown hair was floating around and around the table asking people questions about their methods.

She seemed particularly disturbed by Marshal and I. She asked us (because she observed us phasing into each other sometimes and she wasn’t sure how to ask.) As far as I had observed Marshal and I had only been phasing our hands to assist the telepathic connection.

This woman asked if we are both TRULY HAPPY 100% of the time. Then she shared about having bouts of depression once in awhile. She didn’t believe a human could be HAPPY 100% of the time as there would be no challenges. She wasn’t using Cold Logic but I did understand the question.

Marshal was still only partially lucid and we were still connected ; so, I did my best to answer her without shocking him into waking up.  After thinking about it for a few moments while she was staring at us for an answer I finally said, “I’m POSITIVE at least 80% of the time in my waking life.”

She thought that was an incredible number and Marshal did become More Lucid when I said only 80%. I explained to him that I was translating about our system to what she thought we meant while trying to help her not dwell on her depression at the same time. I definitely took too much on.

She floated away and telepathed she’d think about trying to be positive more often. In the meantime I was still explaining to Marshal about the interruption and how I’d had to translate about our CHOICE TO BE POSITIVE not being equal to an emotional state while still being compassionate about her emotional state of being.

If I would have been able to sweat, I would have been wiping the sweat off my brow. He must have finally understood because AGAIN he asked, “Are you 100% POSITIVE?” I answered in a kind of silly way, “I’m AT LEAST 80% POSITIVE that I’m 100% POSITIVE!”

He SUDDENLY rose from the chair, rotated, came closer towards me and gave me a GIGANTIC hug in that astronaut suit of his! I sure felt like he’s a Good Friend in the astral. I want to be, “100% POSITIVE to always REMEMBER to REMEMBER him!

Happy Astral Travels!


5 Astral Projections AND My Personal Memory Tricks/Tips.


Happily Hoodwinked in the Canadian Rockies!