When I became lucid in the astral I couldn’t see much. I was sitting up and remembered I’d been trying to do some kind of research. I could sense others around me. I began to drift off again. Someone put his arms around me. I could sense it was a man.

As my consciousness slipped away again I tried to telepath to him that this was only an astral hug! He agreed. I felt no malice from him. I think he was a scientist doing his own research as his thoughts felt analytical before they went blank and he completely zoned out. I felt our astral forms going down in slow motion.

We landed on what felt like a soft bed before I allowed myself to fully relax and zone out as well. I told myself to stay there if I could or go home and wake up if I absolutely had to. I tried to remember what I was researching or working on but it was no use. I soon gave in to the void and relaxed into a deep meditation.

I thought about space and stars. I wondered how far I’d gotten. It felt like the future. I often intend to be in the future to help lengthen my time in the astral.

When I regained lucidity I could see I was sitting on a super soft bed which was also a chaise lounger. I sat up and tried to get a better look around. There was a man to my right who I think is the one that hugged me and a man to my left turned on his side.

We all had our own separate beds/loungers. The man who had hugged me was still zoned out floating slightly above his. The one to my right seemed restless but was not lucid yet.

I didn’t want to wake anyone up since this was obviously an astral resting area of some kind; so, I decided to LOOK IN MY BAG. This is a GREAT TIP for beginning astral projectors. LOOK IN YOUR BAG/BACKPACK/ETC. Whatever you are carrying around… Peek Inside it! It will have clues as to what you’ve been up to if you can’t remember.

This time my bag looked like a plain tan sack decorated with white and green flowers. Some of the white tidbits had iridescent rainbow colors as part of the deco. A large sack usually means I AP’d a great distance. Definitely another galaxy somewhere far far away! Lol. The color tan and the iridescence meant I was relaxed and blending in as best as I could.

I opened my back. It was only cinched shut with a silver/gold iridescent cord this time. No special locks. Sometimes my bags/sacks have quite a number of locks. I felt safe which made sense since I allowed myself to zone out there.

It was a very deep sack. It appeared about 6 feet long by 3 feet wide on the inside. On the outside it was about 2 feet long by no more than 1 foot wide. The first thing I spotted was an electronic tablet about the size of an iPad but this was heavier and had a grey screen. It reminded me of a large, clunky Etch a Sketch.

I remembered this was the device I’d been reading and doing some research with. It could connect with other devices in the area but not much further. I don’t remember having to actually tap or type on it; so, I’m thinking it enhanced telepathic connections in the area to help save time.

The next thing I noticed was a large McDonald’s Maple Syrup package. It was about three times the size of their normal one. I couldn’t find any other McDonald’s items in my sack. Then since I was still only partially lucid that I wouldn’t need them. Food in the astral basically represents energy most of the time. Maple Syrup would be FAST ENERGY if I used it. No need for pancakes to slow me down!

The final item which was making my bag feel super heavy was a GIGANTIC BAG of SKITTLES. This was not the first time I’ve seen SKITTLES in my bag. For me they represent compressed massive energy drops. The Skittles were two thirds gone and I had one third of that hefty bag left. I took a few to see if I could taste them. One was blue and the other magenta I think. I couldn’t taste them at all. I did get a bit more lucid. They were enough to PERK me up!

The man to my right was restless again but not fully lucid. A lady came around with a cart full of items who was dressed in a beautiful blue uniform/dress. She had a hat on but I couldn’t tell what it looked like. I sat up more in my lounger bed.

He sat up a little bit. Now I could tell he was an older man with white hair and a beard. I focused in on what the woman in blue was doing. She took out two large looking medication pens. She chose the smaller one for him versus the more blocky looking one. He wasn’t very lucid but he held his translucent arm out. She injected it for him. He smiled and sunk back into his lounger!

I telepathed over to her asking about it. She said he likes his insulin. I thought it resembled more a Trulicity pen but I didn’t want to argue with her since I was still waking up and figuring things out for myself. The man seemed happy; so, I figured it was ok.

Then I remembered… we don’t need medication on the astral plane!

Before I could ask more about it she had something for me! She gave me my cat who passed away years ago. I was so happy to see her! I was petting her and loving all on her. Then I noticed my cat was being too nice. So, I decided to pay more attention. Maybe the energy Skittles were also kicking in more. I don’t know.

My cat had a translucence she doesn’t usually have in the astral. I decided to check her nails. In the astral she either has short super sharp ones like needles or none at all because she won’t bother. She’s far more interested in her tail! ALL of her nails looked like little fishhooks. They were super detailed with designs even.

That’s when I decided to ask the LADY IN BLUE…

“Can you help me? Please tell me where I am? Medication isn’t needed on the astral plane and THIS IS NOT MY CAT!”

The lady began explaining that I had signed up for the COMFORT CARE program when I signed in and had paid extra for it. Without my having to ask she continued about it being a private area most aren’t allowed in with lots of rules etc. Most can’t visit without numerous recommendations. It’s a long way to go for most people.

I explained how I’ve been in these types of areas before with numerous rules and such. She explained I ticked some box allowing touch. She saw the man hugging me earlier and double checked that I’d pre-allowed that.

This was obviously a very high security, law driven culture or society.

I told her he was a gentleman; so, perhaps that’s another good reference for him. I tried to ask her more about him but his details are private as are mine apparently in that area.

As far as my cat she explained how she/they show people images that are comforting. There was also a long explanation I can’t remember the entirety of about how many find knowing their medication is available relaxing. I get that. If one needs insulin to stay alive then it’s obviously going to be comforting to know it’s there.

I woke up here in the physical before I could ask which planet or astral world I was on. I feel it was a scientific project of some sort.


From Cold Onion Soup to a Space Shuttle Party!


Astral Meetup with Trippy White Rabbit Theme Song.