From Cold Onion Soup to a Space Shuttle Party!

Here are my latest Astral Projections. I seem to be on track again now the weather is cooler. Yay. These are just my initial notes and not fully written out this time.

Aug 31, 2023

Large Farmhouse in the Country. Power went out but large fireplace was working and some items that had LED lights. 2 neighbors were going rafting. Huge yellow raft. Another neighbor came over to talk about the power outage and how great it is to have backup power systems Iike I had. He liked the fireplace and led lighting.

COLD SOUP Cafe. In a cafe. Lady brought out a giant metal pot filled with cold onion soup. I wasn’t sure about it being cold. Someone telepath’d that it’s very popular in Asia. 5 people ran up to the pot with cups. I finally took a little bit. Tasted a bit metallic. I wondered if I might be in the Philippines. I was still thinking about the farmer who went on and on about my backup power plan with the fireplace and LED lights. I tried just tasting a tiny bit of onion from the soup. It had a faint onion taste but just barely. The broth was definitely more of a light metallic flavor like licking a battery without the zing.

……. Just lost the rest of my notes about last night…. Fortunately I still remember most of it.

September 1, 2023

I was at a European/Asian (EurAsian) Party (not sure) where many people were dressed in fuzzy green sweaters or dresses. A skinny lady with blonde hair recognized me as, The Astral Tourist! I told her we can try to help her remember. I had her clap three times and WAKE UP! It didn’t work. We tried a few more times but she didn’t wake up. I wondered if she’d taken melatonin etc. She made big eyes at me like she may have taken marijuana.

I found the men I’d come with. I can’t remember how they got me there. They looked like large Asian men in green suits. I was just being polite and told them I was leaving. The party was crowded and they were busy; so, they just nodded or telepathed a kind of “OK” to me. I think one said, “it doesn’t matter” but he didn’t mean it in a rude way. It was his, “OK.”

On my way out I told a few people, “I’m The Astral Tourist and we are astral projecting.” One lady with straight light brown black hair in a ponytail over her left shoulder nodded. I went closer to her and she nodded like she was fully aware. I nodded back.

There was a tiny golden light on a far back wall. It was only as large as a tiny screw but I knew it was the way out. I phased through it.

There was a great deal of fog; however, some of my other senses were kicking in and on. It felt like the Pacific Ocean. I intended CLARITY but didn’t use the command. I also rose a bit higher up. I have to be careful not to fly too high sometimes or I’m off in outer space again.

I saw small ships that resembled Space Shuttles doing tricks in the air over the ocean!!!! Some flew upside down after they kind of surfed the waves. It looked like EPIC FUN! I zoomed in and saw Nasa logos on some of them.

I flew a bit closer to a few and tailed some. They mainly disappeared after a certain point out over the ocean. At that point I decided to go further instead of following anymore of the shuttles over and over again.

Everything got more dark for awhile. I’m not sure how much time passed. Perhaps 5 or 10 minutes. I didn’t want to wait too long and lose the energy signature/s. I half gave up after awhile and just intended to find any life over/around the ocean. The numerous shuttles were still on my mind though and where they might have gotten to! Then I was thinking anywhere nearby with people in the astral!

Time is time on the Astral Plane. Make the most of it. If I lost the shuttles, I lost them. I still enjoy flying over the ocean. I don’t need space shuttles to inspire me to fly over an ocean!

I began to transition automatically into a new area. There were people who seemed in their 80s to 90s dancing to 1980s music. I think the song when I first phased in was something by Mister Mister. I couldn’t hear it very well.

I was standing in the back of a small crowd. Some were sitting on bleachers in front. I was 4 or 5 rows only standing room in the very back. I tried asking where I was over the ocean. Someone telepathed me a trajectory reading I couldn’t understand. I kept trying to listen to the song and which one it might be even though I should have paid attention to the trajectory.

It was all a little overwhelming in a way. I don’t usually find 1980s parties happening over the Pacific Ocean. I was just taking it all in as best as I could. I think the song was Doctor Doctor. That just came back to me. Maybe it’s good my notes went missing. Just looked it up and that is by the, Thompson Twins.

After what felt like about 3 minutes a woman came over to me. She had curly white hair and a nice smile. She put her arm around my shoulders without asking. That was fine as it often takes a feeling of touch for me to “hear” telepathically on certain frequencies.

She was Very Welcoming as if I belonged there at first. I had to explain I’d just followed the shuttles in over the ocean. She said we should, “find a seat.” As there were no seats available she stayed with me in the back row through another 80s song. I remember liking it but I don’t remember which one it was.

At some point I remembered to ask where I was, where we were and where she was from? She showed me a Nasa uniform that had a name tag. I could only make out the first name, Susan. I tried asking which state she was from. Her mind went blank. It felt practiced somehow; so, I figured it was a privacy thing. I told her it was ok and didn’t matter. It really didn’t matter to me. I just try to find out details in every astral projection.

She smiles about that and gave me a small squeeze. The third song was being played by the band. I had to telepath around the room asking what it was. Someone responded that it was a WHAM song. Someone else thought it was COOL AND THE GANG. It felt familiar but I couldn’t hear it. I felt it had a nice slow groove to it.

After it was finished most people left. Susan took me to sit on one of the lower bleachers and asked me if I was tracking satellite trajectories. I said no. I just saw the various space shuttles doing aeronautical tricks and maneuvers over the ocean and followed them because I like to fly anyway.

She smiled. I woke up.

It doesn’t sound as exciting as it was. There was something about her that was kind of electric. It’s so difficult to describe these types of experiences sometimes.


Hanging Glacier Falls, an ET and a Hurricane.
