Astral Enclave, Grim Reaper Job, Buffet and New Astral Map Coordinates!

Last night I became lucid while I was already astral projecting. I was with a group of people I recognized from other astral projections. They have an astral enclave/building somewhere on the west coast of the USA. I’ve always been a bit unclear about where a potential physical counterpart of the building might be located. Sometimes there is a California vibe to their place. Other times it’s more of a Seattle vibe. Anyway, they are always a friendly bunch; so, I felt safe and knew I was in a good place.

The focus of the group meeting was mainly just getting caught up on everyone’s news. One person asked me if someone named “Vasquez” and I were “together” meaning in a romantic relationship. I said that I admired her but that we were just friends. Someone else chimed in about how she’s a kind of Cosmic Goddess.

I’m pretty sure she’s a scientist that makes astronomical measurements. I doubt she remembers her astral projections but many people don’t. Vasquez then chimed in by bringing up an astronomical chart of a star system she suspects might have planets with life. There were purple hazy areas which might mean nebulas with bright blinking stars and/or planets. I might try to find it and do some exploring if I get a chance. She didn’t say what the system is called; so, I’ll only have that 3D visual map to go on.

The next order of business was about how they’ve been having trouble in one of the large main meeting rooms. They suspected some kind of troublemaker but they could never find or see who it was. I offered to take a look and do some vibrational scans. Think of them a bit like astral x-rays or sonograms.

When I first entered the room I noticed they weren’t kidding when they said it was large. The room all by itself was at least a half a mile long in each direction. It was mostly dark but I didn’t ask for more light or clarity  since they had already tried that.

I sent out a series of vibrational echos using different frequencies and got a series of tingles that felt like thick static back. It didn’t feel good but it wasn’t the worst I’ve ever felt either. I tried, “Clarity Now,” which brightened the room up nicely but I still didn’t see the troublemaker.

Finally I began doing some mantras, meditating and overall leveling up the entire vibration in the whole room. Negative beings sometimes feel an increase in overall vibration like a series of earthquakes if you rotate the frequencies fast enough.

In less than a minute a dark, hooded figure appeared towards the center of the room. Instead of jumping to conclusions I asked who it was. It responded, “DEATH” in a scary voice. I was like you’re nowhere strong enough to be a real death spirit. It looked like the Grim Reaper alright only there was no weapon. There was just the scary robe and darkness within. No face had manifested.

I prefer to give the benefit of the doubt for a first offense; so, I informed it that the area is private and under protection. I told it never to return. It just floated there trying to look scary. Then I pointed my finger towards the back wall and commanded, “OUT!” I also sent whirlwind type energy to spin it out. When it saw the tornado it spun around and went out the back wall in a straight line as I had originally directed it to. That was that. Problem solved.

If it ever returns I guess we’ll have to get more creative. When the others came in they set up a LAVISH Buffet with various Wines, SuperSize Breads and giant Grapes. They told me to have whatever I wanted since I used some energy. I mainly had the giant grapes.

Someone offered me a giant sponge since he noticed I was thinking about how my physical body was sweating. It has been super humid where I live and the a/c hasn’t been doing enough. The sponge made me think about my sweating physical body even more. Thinking about my physical body that much was enough to wake me up. I was indeed sweating.

I don’t think that was a grim reaper or a real problem spirit at all. It was likely just some lower vibrational being that got lost. If it ever returns I guess there will be a part 2. I’m super happy to have some new stellar map coordinates in my astral inventory.


Astral Projection - Green Powder Matcha Tea Party!


Asking Questions on the Astral Plane and an Astral  Circus Job.