Astral Projection - Green Powder Matcha Tea Party!

This is just a silly one but I’m getting it recorded here for my astral journals anyway. I was at a hilarious costume party in the astral. One person had dressed up like Captain Picard from Star Trek TNG. I spent most of my time with him. Others were dressed like pirates. Some were dressed like they were from the 1800s. I tried to look at myself but all I could see were purple colors.

Some people were getting really loud telepathically and going on about something new from their local astral mall shops. When I asked about it they showed me this fantastic green powder that could help them experience heightened sensations. It didn’t seem psychedelic but it was causing something close to that. One lady sprinkled it on her large plate of spaghetti!

My best guess is that it seemed like a super potent form of Matcha Green Tea Powder only super potent to the max. One lady simply absorbed it into her entire astral form and started to get a little wobbly and wavy looking. Others were just laughing super hard when they absorbed a small amount. I was never told which shops they were getting this from. One person told me several shops were selling it and that it’s easy to find.

One man in a suit came to sit at a table with me and observed them. I asked if he was government and he said yes. I won’t say which division. He asked what I thought it was and I told him what I said here. Likely some super potent matcha astral creation. Nobody ever actually used a name for it. It didn’t seem harmful at all. It was just causing some uncontrollable laughter and loss of astral form for some. There’s always some new fad making its way through the astral shops.


Canadian Rockies and Star Wars SUNGLASSES MARs Gal


Astral Enclave, Grim Reaper Job, Buffet and New Astral Map Coordinates!