Asking Questions on the Astral Plane and an Astral  Circus Job.

I had many brief astral projections last night. In one in particular I was in a highly populated area; so, I decided to ask around about where I was. This always has varying results. Last night was no different.

One kind gentleman was certain we were in January 6th, 1791. When I asked which city or state he became uncertain but said he thought it might be Philadelphia. I thanked him and went on my way.

The next gentleman I asked was not so kind. He told me I wasn’t asking the “right questions.” When I asked him which ones were the “right questions” he became very upset with me. I would have been happy to ask him the right ones but I never got the chance. He attacked me with a thumb-tack in hopes of waking me up. I informed him those don’t work on me and I won’t tolerate bullying. I drained him of enough energy so he couldn’t try and attack me again.

I asked another gentleman nearby if he know what the “right questions” were that the other man had referred to. He said he didn’t know and asked me to leave him alone politely; so, I did.

Floating a bit further down the street I asked yet another man with jet black hair and a look of lucidity about him if he knew where we were. He was fairly certain we were in some dimension of Connecticut. I telepathed that I understood we weren’t in the physical dimension. He nodded and floated away.

Later in the evening I became lucid in a house by the sea. The indoor area was only partially constructed. The hallways were only composed of seashells and sand. The cement block foundations were showing in places. Nevertheless it seemed like a nice enough area overall.

I thought I heard someone in the distance so I looked out a window. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon and there was a nice beach area outside. A few people were floating around out there but I was too tired to go explore.

Finally, I became lucid again at a circus or a fair. A nice woman had hired me to “watch her back” while she performed. She painted on various colors over her astral form until she was showing up very brightly. Then she expanded her form to the size of a large balloon. She then added numerous gaudy jewels. She was quite the colorful, gigantic sight to behold.

Next she sat on a large, colorful decorated swing. She nodded at me that she was about to begin. I was behind her and ready to move to the side. I checked the surroundings making sure nobody was back there. Then she began to swing. I moved to the side and she checked again with me that the way was clear.

Soon numerous energetic vibrations started like rhythmic earthquakes. I wondered what kind of show I was missing if I could have seen it from the front?! Anyway, she sent me a ton of extra energy as payment to use for later. It went rolling through me like being in a strong thunderstorm would. After she was done doing this colorful, energy show I woke up. I was thrilled to have that as a more positive ending to the whole evening.


Astral Enclave, Grim Reaper Job, Buffet and New Astral Map Coordinates!


I Spotted Mantis Aliens in NY and/or BULGARIA.