Fine Dining on the Astral Plane - Flowers for Breakfast.

Last night someone wanted to thank me for something I did for him on the astral plane. I didn’t remember what it was but he didn’t seem to mind. I dressed up in a simple blue-green colored dress. Otherwise my form looked thin and very wispy. I could see the sun rising from his house.

When I took his hand he shifted us to a fancy restaurant he knew about. There were many decorations and tall photos but my astral vision was beginning to blur. We drifted over and sat at a polished wooden table. Someone brought a menu but it was explained that it was just for looks and to be part of the overall experience. He explained at a place like this you take what they give you because it’s always extraordinary.

Nevertheless, after all of that explanation, my dining companion asked for plain chicken broth without salt. I had the feeling he knew the people that ran this place very well. Soon after I was brought a fabulous plate full of delicate rose buds, berries and various crackers and pastries. The flowers surprised me because it was definitely intended that one eat them along with the rest of what was on the plate.

In the astral eating is mainly about absorbing the energy anyway. I admired the beautiful flowers and then absorbed them along with the rest. I could only faintly taste the berries which were quite sour. I like sour flavors; so, that was nice. It was all so beautiful I wished I could bring a picture home with me when I woke up.

Happy Astral Travels.


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