Canadian Rockies and Star Wars SUNGLASSES MARs Gal

I became lucid mid-air during an Astral Projection across the Pacific Ocean last night. I blanked out a few times. When I became lucid again I could tell it was pre-dawn somewhere. I asked for more clarity and looked around with 360 vision.

As all became more clear I could see the wondrous Canadian Rockies as the morning light was just touching them. I’ve been in that area before. There is usually a large lodge where people in the astral gather to watch the sunrise. I flew downwards and let my instincts guide me to the lodge.

There is a nice long porch outside perfect for viewing but I headed inside to take a look around while I tried to remain lucid. I asked one lady who seemed familiar if she could see me. She answered yes and added on that some could see me but others probably couldn’t because…. Then she left that part blank just to see how lucid I was. Haha. I responded because I’m astral projecting. She nodded and drifted on by me on her way to talk to someone else.

Some others were excited to see the perfect lighting on the something Curve. They raced outside to see it but I was too tired and sluggish to go that fast. I asked them for clarification and got sent a telepathic picture. I looked it up online this morning and they were talking about Morant’s Curve in Banff. I haven’t ever seen that so that’s new for me even though I was too slow to get out there. I still received the image from someone kind enough to share his experience of it with me.

I intended to fly around some more but I lost lucidity and woke up. It was only around 4am for me; so, I used the bathroom and went back to bed. I haven’t been sleeping well due to the heatwave; so, I didn’t make any intentions. I figured I pretty much scored for getting to see the Canadian Rockies on my way back home.

I must have spontaneously astral projected again because when I re-gained lucidity I was floating around at a busy event with lots of other people. I looked down at myself and saw I had two robes on but they were fraying and decaying. That usually means I’ve been somewhere for a long time. Manifested items need to be maintained. I didn’t want to lose what little energy I had left on the robes; so, I just floated around like that for awhile.

From a distance I heard someone calling to me… “HEY Star Wars GAL!!! Hey SUNGLASSES MARS LADY!!!!” I turned around. About a mile away someone was looking right at me; so, I drifted in that direction. He made a joke when I got closer about hearing that I’m looking for a pair of heart-shaped sunglasses. He also gave me a pair!

Then he asked me about the astral Mars tour I’d been on and how to get on it. I told him what I could about going to Mars and making a big display like I did with the Pink Sunglasses at the time. I’m not sure why he had called me Star Wars Gal. Sometimes I do fly around on a sword or light saber; so, it could be that. I hope he can find the tour. It took me a ton of energy to get noticed and go on it.

There was a large wooden building with a lot of light shining from it; so, I drifted in there after we parted ways. Someone came over to greet me. She told me it would be another half hour before the show as they were running late. She also GIFTED me a beautiful Kimono with ornate golden and blue brocade patterns on it. I was enormously grateful.

I found a group of people to sit with for awhile. Apparently there was supposed to be a colorful show and then a fancy buffet afterwards for the guests. As time passed I was loosing energy and lucidity again. I wasn’t sure if I could make it that long.

Some of those putting on the show invited me to their table to try and keep me lucid for longer. I couldn’t say or do much; so, I mainly sat there with them smiling and trying to conserve energy. They were all having a pre-show buffet to stock up on energy. Each one received a round container with three compartments in it. One of the sections had rice, another had baked beans and the third compartments all held macaroni and cheese! What a combination?!!!!

Some were telepathing about me and how I’d gotten so lucky with getting a Mars tour. Others were more focused on the upcoming show. I took a closer look at some of them. Two of the ladies had glistening, long silky black hair. They were in matching silky white robes and passed a bright red lipstick back and forth. It looked partly melted but there was plenty left in it for the show. I tried to ask where they were from. I thought I heard, “Romania,” but it was very faint.

I woke up. I’m a bit sad I didn’t get to see their show. I’m sure it was amazing. I’m thrilled that some knew about my Mars trip and even remembered me as Sunglasses Lady Gal. I probably should go back over that trip and talk about it some more. I may even try to go on another astral Mars tour since so much interest was shown about it.

I’ll use the same Pink Sunglasses Astral Ident I did before and see if I can get lucky twice. Maybe I’ll make the sunglasses spotted to change it up a bit. I can get to Mars fine on my own in the astral but getting to the past when there was more life takes a lot more energy I just don’t have right now during this heatwave.

Happy Astral Travels.


Fine Dining on the Astral Plane - Flowers for Breakfast.


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