GIANTS at Secret Astral LOOSH Gathering!

When I became lucid on the astral plane I was at a large meeting area. There were a few large buildings around. One looked more like a lodge and the other was a more futuristic rectangular metallic building.

There were hundreds of people around so I began scanning the area to try and find out where I was or why I was there. One man was at least 8 feet tall and had a bright white aura about him; so, I decided to go ask him for information. He had a bald head and some mis-shaped features… especially his mouth.

He immediately began telling me that he was a Giant and had made himself smaller to fit in better. Nobody else seemed able to see him. He guided me aside from the crowds and explained in detail about how he was there to protect me and a few others attending who produce a certain “nectar.” He kept trying to find the right word for it. He sent me some additional feelings and images. Finally, I understood he was talking about… LOOSH!

He explained there was concern in the Giant Community about our protection because those of us producing this particular loosh nectar were being observed without our knowledge and Giants Protect their Kin! Apparently he considers me KIN. He also explained people who aren’t Kin probably wouldn’t be able to see him and the other giants.

Well, I asked him how much of this nectar LOOSH I was producing and he said it’s just a very tiny amount. They didn’t really expect any problems but they were there just to be sure. He continued on to boast about how he had recently drained 4 conference guards.

When I inquired about that he explained they were created beings not living ones. So I took that to mean they were energetic creations of some kind. He and the other giants wanted to be sure their Kin could leave unhindered at any time if they wanted. I thanked him for protecting me.

Then I felt another presence trying to connect with me. I looked all over for it but I didn’t see anything. Then I looked up. There in the sky I could make out at least a 15 foot giant smiling down at me. I said a cheerful hello and he said a cheerful hello back! That one was quite a site to behold with a strong glistening golden aura all about him. He looked Scottish and had long wavy hair as well. I also sent up a telepathic thank you to him.

So, I’m now super curious about loosh again. Apparently there are different kinds which makes sense. Fortunately, I don’t produce that much of the one that seems highly sought after. It’s so interesting to see the Giants. I’m not sure if they meant Genetic Kin or Spiritual Kin.

I know I’ve met one before at an Astral Potluck that told me he was specifically Genetic Kin. I don’t know if these had anything to do with him but they didn’t mention him at all. I just love that I’m getting to connect with more Giants in the astral. I don’t feel nearly enough is known about them or their ways.

Happy Astral Travels.


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