Happily Hoodwinked in the Canadian Rockies!

I was already astral projecting when I became more lucid. I felt a “drag” and bit of heaviness weighing me down. Instead of fighting it I decided to drift downwards and land on the ground. I don’t always fully land in the astral as some “ground” areas can be trickier than others.

My astral vision was a little blurry; so, I declared, “Clarity Now!” I saw some beautiful deep browns, greens and snow as I obtained partial clarity. In cases like this I lift up a bit and use 360 vision to help enhance the view. I rotated my 360 awareness slowly and fully around both myself and the mountains.

Sometimes I add on a kind of echo location effect which I don’t talk a lot about. It’s where you bounce part of your awareness around while also maintaining awareness on a central target. In this case that central target was myself. The mountains were scanning clear and beautiful. There was nothing out of the ordinary as far as I could scan.

I focused the 360 vision and echo location bouncing technique all around myself going more inward and more inward and more inward. At the same time I was also asking for more light and clarity about the situation. After all not much lands me or slows me down when I’m having my bit of fun flying around. I “knew” something was off.

Finally on one of the 360 panoramic plus echo locales I was doing I saw a quick flash of myself very quickly. If I didn’t know better this was practically subatomic or just in quasi - dimensional wrinkle in space time WITHIN my own vibration. It’s difficult to put into words but I saw what was causing me to slow down clear as a bell!

There I was drifting above the muddy slushy ground carrying not one but TWO TEDDY BEARS! I had one in each arm. One was a lush medium toned fuzzy brown color. The other was a smaller white teddy with big eyes. They were both smiling almost from ear to ear.

Full clarity and all my honed senses still hadn’t kicked in; so, I wasn’t sure if I was carrying them simply as created packages or if something else was going on. I suspected something else because most of the packs and packages I tend to carry in the astral don’t look anything like teddy bears!

Often I’ll just drop anything I’m carrying from a great height if I think it’ll buy me a few more moments of flying time. I already know I’ll do that unconsciously. I knew I hadn’t done that which also made me a little bit suspicious.

With my senses still a bit dull and dusty I decided to err on the side of kindness and caution. I just whispered to them, “You’re both getting a bit heavy. Let’s try putting you down.” Well, as soon as I put them both down on the astral ground, they morphed into giggling humanoids! They began running and bouncing along the landscape.

I drifted along slowly trying to allow them to catch up to me while I thought about the whole scenario. I clearly had picked up some hitchhikers! Usually I find that irritating but in this case they were so cute to shape shift into teddy bears that I couldn’t be upset. Actually, I was trying not to laugh too hard.

When I zoomed in a bit on the one who had been the brown teddy his eyes got so puppy dog BIG like, “Please don’t be mad,” eyes. You know the kind. The other one was giggling and bouncing around. I think that one was female but I’m not sure.

We played there in the mountains for awhile. They bounced. I floated about here and there. Eventually, I lost track of them.  These must have been the cutest hitchhikers I’ve ever had tag along; so, I’m just being happy about it.

I still didn’t know which mountain range I was in.

Moving along I floated up higher in the air again. My vision still wasn’t fantastic and it was evening. I neglected to mention that earlier. So, I was flying about deaf and mostly blind. Thank goodness other astral senses kick in. My astral body was following a super subtle energy current instinctively. I trusted the flow and did my best to remain lucid. I probably spent too long playing with the hitchhiker teddy bear duo but it was fun.

Eventually, I was able to recognize some of the scenery and a very familiar lodge in the distance. I was THRILLED to discover I was in the Canadian Rockies again. Immediately my senses were filling in more with information and details. I remembered my previous visit where I missed the dawning light because I went inside that lodge.

No way was I going inside the lodge this time. As I floated along closer to the lodge and lower down I could see a busy outdoor dining/bar area this time. It was very crowded. Remember for everyone you can see in the astral there are others you can’t see as well! So… it was SUPER BUSY and CROWDED!

I did another panoramic 360. Bits of the large wooden lodge glinted with metallic silver parts. Sometimes I saw flashes of a metallic building that used to or would soon exist there during a dimensional shift. For now the lodge was looking very sturdy. I also saw a crescent moon in the sky. I made a note to myself to investigate that AFTER I observed the first light that I managed to miss on my last visit. It turns out the Teddy Duo didn’t hold me up long enough to miss the main event in this region. Yay!

Lifting off I made a spinning turn on the way up JUST to insure I’d get no more “Hitchhiking/Hanger-Oners.” In crowded areas like this sometimes people grab. WhOOSH and up!!!! Controlling my excitement I slowed myself about midway between what I saw as the various peaks and the lodge. I moved diagonally out a bit and did many 360 Panoramics like my astral life depended on it!!!!

Round and Round I went panning 360. I had to remind myself to slow down a bit now and then. This takes an incredible amount of focus and energy. I may have said a few mantras but I didn’t want to get too caught up in the energies mantras generate either. I also kept doing a bit of a diagonal move slightly upwards kind of in sync with the panning motion in order to keep my astral energy body grounded in that viewing area.

From the position I was in I saw the first dawning of light on the leftmost peaks. It didn’t last long but it was worth it. They glistened with a delicate peachy lavender color. Then I was able to see the right-most peaks light up in almost the same way but a bit brighter. After that more peachy lavender colors began to fill in the entire area.

It was now a bit past actual dawn. I committed the entire scene to memory and drifted back down towards the ground. Suddenly I remembered I was supposed to check out that crescent moon!!! I’d forgotten all about it but it was a secondary objective anyway.

As I rose back up in the air I felt that “dragging” feeling once more. I was too heavy. I couldn’t get a full 360 viewing of myself in before I found a large man grabbing my left astral leg and one more being grabbing onto his! They tried to smile like it was all a big mistake and could they please come along but I wasn’t as patient this time around. After all, they hadn’t even gone to the trouble to become cute teddy bears. Lol!

Also, I really did want to find out about that moon. I only wear my heart on my sleeve sometimes. My mind became more objective quickly and I gave them a medium energy push right off with ease. At the same time I made my left leg disappear. Between the energy push and the leg disappearing act they were gone as I rose higher in the air.

(TIP: You don’t actually need an entirely formed astral energy body to get around.)

As I came closer to the crescent moon I could tell that the entire area was a dimension. The peachy lavender lighting along the sky began to look more like paper. This happens at dimensional shifting points. I was still thinking about if I should try the moon to shift into the next dimension using it as a portal or to speed up and make my way through the paper like dimensional fabric.

I woke up while attempting this.

As I fell back asleep I made intentions to discover that next dimension; however, I failed. I lost lucidity for quite some time. I next became lucid in a city that I think was quite possibly London.

Memories came flooding in about having been adventuring with a friend. He was going to get tickets for a special show. The show would take place in the building right across the street.  I didn’t understand because I knew we already had tickets. There was a round table there in the street.

He placed a note I couldn’t read on the table along with a large phone from the 1990s. It looked like a black Motorola phone. I knew I was running low on energy and time before I’d wake up; so, I decided to wait by the round table and hope to see part of the show.

While my friend was gone getting tickets for a show we already had tickets to… I tried to read the note to no avail. I just couldn’t understand it. A man came running up to the table who looked partially decayed. He wore an overcoat and black hat. He had great brown eyes. He announced very loudly telepathically that he was, “The Russian!” This was supposed to mean the Russian my friend was getting the ticket for.

At least that mystery was solved. Now remember looks aren’t everything in the astral. I’ve seen many floating around partially decayed and have been that way myself sometimes. It’s not about maintaining a form. It’s more about who you are and maintaining awareness. I remember wanting to say something nice telepathically to him as we both hovered there but my energy was waning.

I tried to tell him I hoped he’d enjoy the show as I woke up. I had so many questions for him and now I’m left wondering which show I missed.

Unfortunately, this does happen. I generally try to hang in there and do more than I probably should in the astral. I woke up feeling fine. The weather has been a bit cooler. I’ve been sleeping well. I have more experiences to document already when I can get more time.

Happy Astral Travels Everyone.




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