Futuristic Astral Japanese Luxury Spa Hotel - So Many Stairs!

Lately I have been intending to visit Japan in the astral because I’ll actually be going there. Yay. It will only be my third visit. I’ve been working on learning some phrases to help get around. I will make a Japanese Astral Projection section here in the blog sometime in the next few days gathering up my astral visits to Japan all in one place.

Anyway, last night I made the intention to visit the astral in the future, Japan if possible. I missed the exit as I fell asleep. When I became lucid I was in a luxury style hotel in a private bedroom. It mainly glowed white. There were various books around. There was also a large television screen showing ads about the hotel spa located on Floor 6. I could tell one of the books was about modern fashions but I wasn’t able to understand most of it. The spa on the screen looked super high tech; so, I decided to check that out.

When I exited my room I was in a giant hallway. I have no idea which floor I was on. Eventually I came to a large horizontal rather than vertical elevator. I don’t always have good luck with elevators but I decided to try it out. I saw various numbers and symbols; so, I pressed the 6 hoping that would work. There was a curving motion to my right. Then the doors opened.

When I got out I saw many people dressed up in business attire, fancy dresses and tuxedos. I asked which floor I was on and was told Floor 7. One of the people looked a lot like Danny DeVito only he was a bit taller. Someone was nice enough to direct me to the stairs since I didn’t want to risk the elevator again.

When I arrived at the stairs they were gleaming white and miles long. I could see Floor 6 far below glowing all golden and orange. There were silvery metallic rails. I gently took one and slid down it slowly as I wanted to make sure I wouldn’t lose my focus. Someone telepathically called over that I could go faster but I didn’t want to risk losing my memory of the place entirely. They seemed to go on for miles and miles even though it was only one floor.

When I finally reached Floor 6 there was futuristic fancy spa equipment set up in the middle of the room. Some were hovering above the various contraptions nodding off. I could see puffs of air coming out of one machine so I’m pretty sure it must have been a massager of some kind.

Along the walls plush loungers were set up with sun lamps. Most of these loungers were filled. Sometimes two people were sharing one. Some only hovered. Others were laying back. Many had thick white robes on which made me wonder about the sun lamps. Far in the distance down the hall I saw a huge desk/reception area. When I floated over there the lady reminded me I need two keys to get back in my private room. I told her I didn’t plan to go back and that I was going to explore.

At some point I wandered into another gigantic room with long buffet tables. I avoided the area that had people in it and tried to fly. I felt some resistance at first and then shot up hundreds of feet in the air. The ceiling was still far above me. I drifted back down and lost lucidity for awhile. When I was lucid again it was in a large auditorium. There was a live performance play which was just ending. I was sad to have missed it; so, I spoke with one of the men in the audience.

He looked all wet but very lucid. He told me he had also arrived late because he’d been visiting a nearby island that is part of the larger hotel resort area. He was supposed to meet his friend there but she never showed up and he came back to see the play. I woke up before I could ask any further questions. Maybe he took a swim on the way back. It’s kind of fun to wonder about it.


Happily Hoodwinked in the Canadian Rockies!


Ryujin (Ōwatatsumi) Astral Storm Grounds and Castle.