Ryujin (Ōwatatsumi) Astral Storm Grounds and Castle.

When I became aware I was astral projecting I first saw black tarry ground beneath me. As I peered closer I also noticed it felt and vibrated more like obsidian than tar. That was a relief. When I looked up I saw blackish blue feathered beings zooming through the air diving down and back up. There was also a fantastic storm brewing with lightning in the sky.

Well, anyone that knows me knows I love a good astral storm. Seeing that put me at further ease although the area was somewhat dark with a deeper vibrational tone. Tone seems like the right word even though I could not hear anything. (I’m often a bit deaf in the astral.)

Some people in the area were panicking by running around and screaming telepathically in languages I didn’t understand. I used my 360 vision to zoom in on some of the feathered beings. Many had mechanical and organic qualities to them.

Somehow I suddenly remembered that this was a realm of Ryujin the Storm God/Deva. I had visited one of his astral realms before perhaps a year or two ago. This one seemed different. Nobody was panicking in his other realm.

Here it was mayhem even though the feathered beings hadn’t actually attacked anyone as far as I could tell. I telepathed as loudly and strongly as I could to everyone in the vicinity to lay low to the ground as I had remembered these beings can’t actually “touch” the ground. To escape them all one needed to do was meld a bit with the obsidian landscape.

Word spread and I could see people laying down inside the edges and lumps of the obsidian landscape as best as they could. I had forgotten I’d gone invisible which I often do in the astral. So, I made myself visible and hovered about a quarter of an inch above the highest obsidian lump in the ground.

I purposely intended to find out more about this place and those feathered beings. They resembled birds yet sometimes their faces resembled lions or dogs faces. Just as I wished one quickly spotted me and made the usual dive down. It stopped a few feet before the obsidian ground looking for me. I rose myself up a bit more while still keeping a light vibrational contact with the obsidian.

The whole environment reminded me of some charnel grounds meditations I’ve done regarding wrathful deities like Vajrakilaya. This area wasn’t exactly the same but I was getting my bearings and remembering compassion plus wisdom. Really I’m not a very good practitioner but the teachings aren’t totally lost on me.

The one bird/dog/lion came right up to my face and simply hovered there staring at me. I told it I was peaceful and requested asylum for all in the area within Ryujin’s realm. I figured it would correct me somehow if I was wrong about this being a dimension of Ryujin. In my way of thinking the others were not there to cause harm either since they were in such a panic.

The blue/black feathered being stretched out and soared into the sky without having answered me at all. Within moments I saw two portals open to the far left. Each one had a woman dressed in beige robes step out of it. One of them said they could each fit six people in each portal.

Most began running towards them. Some remained low on the obsidian ground preferring to rest there since they now understood nothing could harm them while they rested. I floated over there and tried to ask which portal I should use. The second one had two spots left and the right-most one had one spot.

I wasn’t sure about choosing the first one with only one spot left but I really was curious about the first realm of Ryujin versus the second one. That’s how I was thinking about it at the time. Let’s keep in mind everyone was in a hurry. There wasn’t much time to process the information.

I ended up choosing the first portal while hoping I hadn’t taken someone else’s spot that really needed it. There were still two spots left in the second portal. Once through there were some golden sandstone hallways and women in beige robes leading me through them. We eventually came into a larger room. The material of the walls and floors also looked like sandstone.

When I tried to ask others the name of the area or place all I got was “outpost.” There was no mention of Ryujin even from the women in beige. There were numerous telepathic signals from them that the area was “protected” from the storms and we could rest there safely. I believed them but the explorer in me wanted to explore.

I hoped I wasn’t breaking any rules and rose up through the roof for a better view. Nobody warned me or asked me not to. Once I got outside it looked like we were in a large circular dome. The refuge area looked like a giant sandstone castle someone might make on the beach on a sunny day. It was surrounded by the greenest grass. In the distance there was a glassy dome shaped texture with purplish-pink lightning streaks all around it.

Being me I flew over and attempted to penetrate the lightning dome barrier. I got softly bounced back. I thought since it was lightning I should say Ryujin’s name on the next try. I got bounced back once more but not as much. It was an even softer bounce. I tried a third time reciting Ryujin super softly while I intended to pass.

That worked. Sometimes force isn’t what one needs in a storm. Sometimes just a soft touch or word is what is needed. I’ve been learning that over the years. Being gentle does not necessarily mean a lack of power. Sometimes gentleness is wisdom and compassion and not a sign of weakness.

The rest is a bit hazy but Ryujin was there. Three people appeared. Ryu, a man to his left and a woman to his right. The building’s walls looked like stones. I’ve seen Ryujin in the astral before but this version was different. He was younger and looked to be in his 20s. He had blonde wavy short hair even though I knew it couldn’t be right. My mind was processing info as best as it could.

He asked why I penetrated the outer barrier. I explained how I’d asked for asylum for everyone in the storm which he knew about. He then asked why I’d asked for him specifically and penetrated the outer barrier. I told him I’d met him before in the astral in a different area and I was curious to see him again.

He then bent over as he was quite tall and merged his head with my astral head. He looked into my memories. Once he saw what I had seen he explained it had been a different “manifestation” of himself. I thought that made sense and said it was good to see him again. He told me I was always welcome in his realms.

Now that statement goes back to my last encounter with him where he also said that. Apparently I have some deeper connection to Ryujin that still needs exploring. I wonder if he has a mantra like Vajrakilaya… a different way of getting in touch besides storms.

Editing to add:

Thank you to a kind reader of the blog who sent in this additional interesting information and said I could post it.

“About your latest blog entry. Ryujin in Japanese would likely be written as 龍神 (dragon god) and I believe also refers to the naga of Buddhist or Hindu mythology. Owatatsumi would be お海神 (great sea god) and would likely refer to the same kind of position as Poseidon or Neptune in Greek and Roman mythology.”


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