Psychedelic Astral Healing from Insectoid ET !

This morning while attempting to astral project I simply phased into a large bright white room. There wasn’t anything in it. One of my spirit guides who I’ve been calling “The Atlantean” was there. He didn’t bother to form an energy body. He was just there somewhere mixed in with all the bright white light.

Lately I’ve been too tired to astral project very far due to the hot, humid weather, travel fatigue and jet lag. Since I’d like to explore more of Mars and other planets in space the fatigue has been an issue. I’ve been doing Reiki and some other energywork but it just hasn’t seemed like enough.

The Atlantean opened a portal which we didn’t go through. On the other side of it I could see empty space and then in the far distance some tiny stars and 4-5 darkish small planets. He said to give it a few minutes as he was contacting a vibrational healer over there.

Soon a large insectoid alien came into view. He had the standard large dark ant shaped face and eyes. I could tell he was standing vertically but I couldn’t tell what the rest of the shape of his body was.

With my permission he scanned my energy body. Keep in mind language translation is mainly telepathic and tricky in the astral. The Atlantean was helping with that part. The Insectoid healer didn’t find anything majorly wrong but did say there was an issue with clearing because I had, “gummed up the works!”

I took that to mean I mainly needed some general energy clearing. The Atlantean was translating it as I’d been using the wrong basic gas/energy instead of the proper premium quality energy. I figured it made sense as I haven’t had a lot of time to meditate as much as usual and I’ve been overly tired as well.

Basically they helped me flush out the remainder of the “basic” energy particles and flooded me with some “premium vibrations.” At first it came in all tingly with a light orange melon color. Then I began to see and feel many psychedelic colors and vibrations.

At one point the Insectoid was showing me something about compacted fluidic vibrations expanding. I couldn’t keep up with his logic but the main idea seemed to be about bypassing certain dimensions and only using particular ones to gain more intensity.

I asked the Insectoid his name and was able to hear a short series of clicking sounds. After that an image appeared of various white buildings with rounded roofs. The Atlantean loosely translated the Insectoid’s name for me as “Palace Architect Manager.” I know it sounds more like a job title than a name but that’s what I got for the answer.

I thanked the Insectoid for the energy clearing and incredible psychedelic recharge. It seems I need to get more focused again on meditation and some basic energy purification.

When I woke up I felt much better overall and a bit tingly. The lighter orange psychedelic colors reminded me of cantaloupes.  Soon I shall be astral projecting off to space again thanks to the clearing and recharge from the Atlantean and this incredible Insectoid energy healer.

* I would like to add that I do NOT take psychedelics of any kind. Also, this was NOT a Mantis being as far as I could tell. Its head had more ant-like features.

Happy Astral Travels.


Ryujin (Ōwatatsumi) Astral Storm Grounds and Castle.


GIANTS at Secret Astral LOOSH Gathering!